Captain Padma Isbister enjoys breakfast surrounded by the people she loves before diving into Weyland’s servers.
Captain Padma Isbister enjoys breakfast surrounded by the people she loves before diving into Weyland’s servers.
True to form, Shapers in Midnight Sun have new tools for tinkering and invention, including the new charge mechanic.
The Balance Team are back to let us know what changes are coming to the Standard Ban List with the release of Midnight Sun.
Sable gets up to her old tricks in a new city, and a mark turns out to be more than she anticipated.
The new Criminal mechanic in Midnight Sun, mark, rewards the faction’s characteristic opportunism.
Catastrophe unfolds at a Weyland facility, and a Runner investigates: who’s sabotaging who?
Anarchs in Midnight Sun are taking the fight to the Corp with the new sabotage mechanic.
Preview season for Midnight Sun has officially begun! Read on to find out when and where each card will be unveiled.
With the release of Midnight Sun, we’re replacing the name of a classic mechanic. Laury from the EDI team explains the change.
We have a piece of fiction from Serenity for you for your Saturday afternoon reading!
Join the NISEI marketing team, whose goal is to share our love of Netrunner with the world and get more people to play the game!
NISEI Organized Play has released a small update to the Organized Play Policies.