This is the first update on our efforts to replace the substandard card stock received by EU customers.
Continue reading "EU Card Replacement November Update"
Distribution, News, Production Updates
Distribution, EU, EU card replacement programme, european union, online store
The Production team is back with an update on the progress of set 2 of the Liberation Cycle and the Ashes Cycle remaster project.
Continue reading "October Production Update"
News, Production Updates
Ashes, Ashes remaster, Liberation, Liberation Cycle, production, production update, remasters
We are addressing your concerns about the quality of card stock sent to European Union countries.
Continue reading "Regarding the quality of EU cards"
Distribution, News
Distribution, EU, EU card replacement programme, european union, online store, remasters, The Automata Initiative
We’re recruiting for panel members to help with balancing the Startup format.
Continue reading "Recruiting the Startup Format Panel"
Competitive Formats, News, Startup
recruitment, Startup
Big changes to the Standard cardpool, Liberation Part 2, and a new foundational product code-named “Dawn”!
Continue reading "Liberation Part 2, Upcoming Products, and Rotation"
News, Product Announcements, Production Updates
"Dawn", Borealis, Liberation, organised play, Organized Play, Piggy Bank, product, product release, products, rotation, System Gateway, System Update 2021
Update to the Organized Play Policies – Decklists are now allowed notes, along with other small changes!
Continue reading "Organized Play Policies Update"
organised play, Organized Play, rules, tournament organizers, tournaments and events
With the World Championship a week away, here is the detailed breakdown of the schedule for the entire event weekend!
Continue reading "Worlds Schedule Announcement"
News, Organised Play, World Championship
2023 World Championship, tournaments, tournaments and events, world championship, worlds
We will be bringing Netrunner to PAX Australia on 6-8 October!
Continue reading "NSG at PAX Australia 2023"
cons, conventions, events, PAX, pax aus, tournaments and events
Distribution, News
Distribution, EU, fulfillment, online store, remasters, The Automata Initiative
The Production team is back with an update on the progress of set 2 of the Liberation Cycle!
Continue reading "September Production Update"
News, Production Updates
Liberation, Liberation Cycle, production, production update
The Balance Team’s newly-minted Startup Curator is here to talk about our future plans for the Startup format.
Continue reading "Future Startup Update Plans"
Competitive Formats, News, Startup
ban list, Startup, tournaments, tournaments and events
Our VP of Engagement, Serenity, is leading one last big recruiting trip, one of whose goals is to recruit her replacement!
Continue reading "Recruitment Drive 2023"
News, Recruitment
building Null Signal, community, EDI, Executive Team, Marketing, Organized Play, recruitment, web development