
Rebellion Without Rehearsal Pronunciation Guide and MPC links

The Pronunciation Guide for Rebellion Without Rehearsal has now been published! A link to it can be permanently found at the bottom of the Rebellion Without Rehearsal product page. We hope this guide helps you pronounce the (mostly Brazilian Portuguese) words in Rebellion with Rehearsal. Thank you to Ginevra from our Narrative team for putting it together, as well as all the native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese who provided us with the help and information needed. A full list of acknowledgements can be found on the page.

MakePlayingCards availability

In addition, Rebellion Without Rehearsal has now been approved on MakePlayingCards, and purchase links to both Standard and Premium options are now available on its product page. We apologize for the delay on this, and are excited that the set is now available even in regions not currently served by our online store!
