We’re recruiting for panel members to help with balancing the Startup format.
Continue reading "Recruiting the Startup Format Panel"
Competitive Formats, News, Startup
recruitment, Startup
The first part of our coverage of the 2023 Netrunner World Championship
Continue reading "2023 World Championship Roundup"
Organised Play, World Championship
2023 World Championship, organised play, Organized Play, tournaments, tournaments and events, world championships, worlds
Our decision regarding a disruptive incident during the World Championship.
Continue reading "A Moderation Decision Regarding an Incident at Worlds"
Community, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, Organised Play
community, equality, inclusion, Organized Play
We have some new exciting updates for Cobr.ai which will allow self-registration and automated deck submission at the 2023 World Championship!
Continue reading "Cobr.ai Improvements and Worlds Registration Procedure"
Cobra, Tournaments, Web Dev, World Championship
2023 World Championship, cobr.ai, cobra, Organized Play, tournaments, tournaments and events, web development, world championship, worlds
With the World Championship a week away, here is the detailed breakdown of the schedule for the entire event weekend!
Continue reading "Worlds Schedule Announcement"
News, Organised Play, World Championship
2023 World Championship, tournaments, tournaments and events, world championship, worlds
Join us on jinteki.net on 1 October for the last Accelerated Meta Test tournament before the World Championship!
Continue reading "Accelerated Meta Test October 1st online tournament"
Accelerated Meta Test, Tournaments
AMT, online tournament, tournaments, tournaments and events
The Balance Team’s newly-minted Startup Curator is here to talk about our future plans for the Startup format.
Continue reading "Future Startup Update Plans"
Competitive Formats, News, Startup
ban list, Startup, tournaments, tournaments and events
A preview of the prizes for the 2023 World Championship
Continue reading "2023 World Championship Prize Support"
Organised Play, World Championship
2023 World Championship, Organized Play, prizes, tournaments, tournaments and events, worlds
Congratulations to Man in the Moon, the 2023 Netrunner Intercontinental Champion!
Continue reading "2023 Intercontinental Championship Roundup"
News, Tournaments
2023 Continental Championships, 2023 Intercontinental Championship, continentals, tournaments, tournaments and events
Do you wish to sell your Netrunner-related art at Worlds? We can help!
Continue reading "Call to artists: Worlds Artist Colony sales booth"
Art and Creative, Community, News, World Championship
2023 World Championship, alt arts, alternate arts, artist colony, community, community alt arts, Organized Play, tournaments, tournaments and events, world championship, worlds
Looking for some decklists to use in our upcoming Eternal tournaments? Padraig has you covered!
Continue reading "Eternal Deck Lists"
General, Tournaments, World Championship
2023 World Championship, Crown of Servers, Eternal, tournaments, tournaments and events
Congratulations to the winner of the 2023 Europe, Middle East & Africa Continentals, Sokka234!
Continue reading "Europe, Middle East & Africa Continentals 2023 Roundup"
Organised Play, Tournaments
2023 Continental Championships, Continental Championships, continentals, European Africa and Middle East Continentals, Organized Play, tournaments, tournaments and events