Welcome to the new NISEI.net
We’ve been advancing it turn after turn—now it’s time to reveal what we’ve been up to. Welcome to the new NISEI.net.
News about NISEI, news about events, news about banned cards… live from NISEI Plaza, it’s news!
We’ve been advancing it turn after turn—now it’s time to reveal what we’ve been up to. Welcome to the new NISEI.net.
NISEI’s new limited-cardpool format now has a name. Get ready for Startup.
Spoiler season for System Gateway and System Update 2021 begins with a preview card and a schedule for the next month!
Unfortunately, some NISEI prizes from 2020 have gotten delayed in the post.
Continue reading "2020 Continentals/Intercontinentals Prize Delay"
Celebrate Limes’s victory at the 2020 NISEI World Championships with a new pack of special-edition cards from his decks!
Continue reading "Introducing the 2020 Worlds Celebration Pack!"
It’s time for a shakeup. Announcing Salvaged Memories: eighteen cards to shake up Standard until System Gateway arrives.
Announcing an unfortunate delay to the release of System Gateway and System Update 2021.
An update to the NISEI Standard Ban List for 2020, just in time for the NISEI World Championships!
Everything you need to know to participate in the NISEI 2020 World Championship, including dates, prize support, and more!
We are pleased to announce that NISEI will be hosting a panel at PAX Online next month! PAX Online is an online convention, open to all, that has replaced the […]
Two hundred and ninety-seven! That’s how many of you competed in one of our three Online Continental Championships. We are overjoyed at how well received these competitions were, and are […]
A little over a month ago, we ran a tournament to raise money for The Bail Project in support of Black Lives Matter protesters. Over a gruelling marathon session, we […]