Standard Ban List 21.10
With Continental Championships in the rear-view mirror, it’s time to revisit the Standard Ban List in light of what those tournaments have shown us about the state of the game.
News about NISEI, news about events, news about banned cards… live from NISEI Plaza, it’s news!
With Continental Championships in the rear-view mirror, it’s time to revisit the Standard Ban List in light of what those tournaments have shown us about the state of the game.
Hello, Runners and Corps! This is @plural (Jason) from the Web Dev team. As online play has dominated our play for such a long time, many of us have been […]
Continue reading "Nisei spends [click] to install in Server 2"
Announcing a change in NISEI leadership and an upcoming reorganization of our internal structure.
NISEI has a new Narrative Director! Join us in welcoming Morgan “Anzekay” White to the role, along with our new Narrative Lead Editor.
Continue reading "Introducing NISEI’s New Narrative Director"
Announcing the date of the NISEI 2021 World Championships, and an upcoming version of the Standard Ban List.
The Korean translations of System Gateway and System Update 2021 are temporarily unavailable as we investigate a printing issue.
Continue reading "Korean Translations Temporarily Unavailable"
Beneath the glowing Arctic sky, the Corps ravage and plunder. Stop them—or join them—in Borealis, NISEI’s next expansion.
Continue reading "Announcing Midnight Sun and the Borealis Cycle"
French, Korean, and Polish versions of System Gateway and System Update 2021 are now available! Plus more translation news.
Testing on Eternal draws to a close. A lot of decks were tried—some proved to be too problematic even in this high-powered format. Today, I am announcing two things: a tournament and a new iteration on the list!
NISEI has a new president. Get to know Austin, aka “icecoldjazz”, as he steps into the role at the head of the organization.
In the continued interest of safety, the 2021 NISEI World Championship will be held online in November 2021.
Due to malicious electronic sabotage directed at NISEI R&D (I accidentally dismissed the reminder I set to publish this), yesterday’s scheduled Community Roundup is 24 hours late. We therefore have no time to lose!