We’re happy to announce that the first 2022 Organized Play release is here: the 2022 Q1 Game Night Kit! This is only the first step of many, as the Organized Play team has been busy planning and delivering an exciting 2022 season!
Due to us feeling reluctant to encourage in-person events during a pandemic, it has been close to a year since the previous Game Night Kit was released. We are aware that Tournament Organizers have kept previous kits for when in-person events can safely happen again. It looks like that might be just around the corner.
Although NISEI are constantly reviewing and updating our COVID-19 policies, please remember to put you and your players’ safety first and run events online if the conditions in your area are not safe.

The 2022 Q1 Game Night Kit will be a Print-on-Demand (POD) kit with the following alternate art cards:

Afshar is an ideal prize for both Standard and Startup players alike, and Chiyashi for those players that enjoy a nasty Jinteki facecheck! However, these kits have no set prize pattern, and Tournament Organizers are free to hand them out as they see fit. Please find out how to order this kit on our Event Kits page!
Whether you are a player or Tournament Organizer, you should check out alwaysberunning.net to find and advertise events, as well as the NISEI Events Discord server, where NISEI Organized Play members and veteran Tournament Organizers can help you run your events online.
Safety First, friends, and Always Be Running.