Recruitment Drive
Hello, everybody! Just a short article today about some positions currently open at NISEI Plaza. Some you’ll already have seen before – we’re just relisting them in their own article […]
News about NISEI, news about events, news about banned cards… live from NISEI Plaza, it’s news!
Hello, everybody! Just a short article today about some positions currently open at NISEI Plaza. Some you’ll already have seen before – we’re just relisting them in their own article […]
Releasing Most Wanted List updates to NISEI Standard v3.1 and NISEI Eternal v1.1.
Releasing Most Wanted List updates to NISEI Standard v3.0 and announcing the MWL for NISEI Eternal v1.0.
It’s here! NISEI’s System Core 2019 card list is out now, along with thoughts on its development, updates to Organized Play policies, and much more.
Continue reading "Replicating Perfection – System Core 2019"
NISEI’s introduction continues with a spotlight on the new Creative Team, responsible for promo artwork, new game symbols, and more.
Woo, third week of the month MEGA UPDATE TIME 😀 First up, after lots of mmms and hmms, the logo contest we started waaaay back in August finally has a […]