Standard Ban List 21.10
With Continental Championships in the rear-view mirror, it’s time to revisit the Standard Ban List in light of what those tournaments have shown us about the state of the game.
With Continental Championships in the rear-view mirror, it’s time to revisit the Standard Ban List in light of what those tournaments have shown us about the state of the game.
Testing on Eternal draws to a close. A lot of decks were tried—some proved to be too problematic even in this high-powered format. Today, I am announcing two things: a tournament and a new iteration on the list!
In the continued interest of safety, the 2021 NISEI World Championship will be held online in November 2021.
Netrunner players will soon return to cyberspace to determine the 2021 NISEI Champions! Learn more about the event schedule and prizes.
System Gateway has been out for several months and the metagame has adapted. Time for a significant Standard Ban List update.
With almost a month having passed since the release of System Gateway, certain issues have arisen in the Standard format metagame which we are keen to address. Although we are currently testing a far-reaching new update which we hope to release in June, we have decided to also issue a small update right away, intended to slow down some of the fastest decks in the game.
Your friendly NISEI Balance Team is releasing a small update to the Standard Ban List in time for System Gateway and System Update 2021.