
EU Store Temporary Closure

EU Runners and Sysops,

We regret to announce that our volunteer distributor for the EU region, Hector, was injured on Sunday, and diagnosed with a broken arm on Monday. 

As this will severely hamper their ability to pick, package, and send out orders, we have chosen to temporarily disable the EU store. We chose this course of action because we would rather stop taking orders completely than take orders which we can’t fulfil in a timely manner. 

All orders which have already been placed will be fulfilled. A large number were already packed and picked up by Chronopost (our shipping partner) today. The remainder will be gradually packed and sent out as our volunteers are able to do so. You will receive an email notification as soon as your order is scanned into Chronopost’s system.

We are very disappointed to have to take this course of action so soon after reopening the EU store, but the health of our staff needs to come first and we do not want to hinder their recovery. We hope to be able to reopen in 6 weeks, and appreciate your patience during that time!
