
EU Card Replacement – 23 February Update

We committed to regular updates on our progress on replacing cards for EU customers, and on reopening the EU store with product that uses better quality card stock. This is the eighth and likely penultimate of those updates.


Shipping has largely been completed for all outstanding orders! This includes the remaining English language orders mentioned in our last update as well as almost all translated orders. We’re still working through a few failed deliveries and the odd returned parcel. In these cases, we’re reaching out to the individuals directly to resolve these issues as quickly as possible. We will not be resending orders that have been returned unless we have heard back, so please check if you have an email from us.

If your order number is in the following list you will not have gotten a shipping update yet – don’t worry, we’ll be sending these last few parcels next week:









If you are expecting a replacement and haven’t received an update, and your order number is not in the above list, please reach out to me directly with your details at support@nullsignal.games and I’ll investigate immediately.

EU Circuit Opener Kits

All EU Circuit Opener kits have all been mailed, with the last shipment going out on February 16th – if you have not received a Chronopost email and tracking number please contact us

Final Update and the EU Store

Barring any unforeseen issues, this will be the penultimate update covering the Replacement Program. As always we’re happy to receive any feedback you have on this process, product, packaging, or experience.

Over the next few weeks we’ll be tidying up the EU store and prepping for its reopening, which we’re very much looking forward to formally announcing. Our next update will be the last for the Replacement Program but the first with news on reopening the EU Store! It will announce the date on which the store will fully reopen, formally introduce Hector / RainbowMonkey who’s already been working on our EU distribution, and who will be continuing to fill your orders from the EU storefront once open.

While the EU store reopening is tantalizingly close, there will be a few new items you will find there you may be interested in. The Ashes Remastered sets Downfall and Uprising will be available to pre-order and, as announced earlier this week, Game Night Kits will now also be available to order directly from us.

Support or Questions

Please contact us directly if any issues are encountered during shipping or after you’ve received your cards. We will attempt to respond within 48 hours, but response times may vary if large volumes of inquiries are received.

Prior Updates


  • Dave “Redemptor” Thomas

    Dave is on the Distribution team (Canada) for NSG and also answers your support emails. He’s been playing Netrunner since 2023 and favours Criminal and HB. He generally suffers from having too many hobbies.