
EU Card Replacement – 9 February Update

We committed to regular updates on our progress on replacing cards for EU customers, and on reopening the EU store with product that uses better quality card stock. This is the seventh of those updates.


As many of you have hopefully already been notified, shipping of replacement cards started this week after the minor speedbumps covered in the last update.

A little over 450 orders have been shipped so far, which includes all orders of up to 6 items. At time of writing the larger orders have been packed and those recipients will be receiving shipping notices shortly. That will complete this phase of replacements for the English language sets.

Shipping Communication

You will receive TWO emails as your order ships.

The first will be from Chronopost, our shipper, who are giving us quick service throughout the EU. Part of that speedy service is that once the packages are scanned into their system on pick up, tracking emails are very quickly sent out to you. This will contain your tracking information and allow delivery dates to be adjusted etc via their service.

The second email will come from us as an update on your NSG Store order. Once Chronopost has confirmed pick up, we update the NSG Store orders with the details. This takes a bit more time on our end but should be done within about 24 hours for each order. 

EU Circuit Opener Kits

All supplies for the 2024 H1 CO kits have arrived this week. Once the final English-language orders have been sent out, then CO kits ordered for the EU region will be shipped out.


All English language orders for replacement cards should be received by February 16th.

Non-English language stock has been rescheduled to reach us at the end of next week rather than today as expected. Once it’s arrived it will be checked and processed by customs. We will be able to communicate more details about the shipping timelines for this stock in future updates.

The EU store will not fully open until all outstanding replacement sets have been shipped. Developments on the re-opening will be communicated in future updates as well.

Support or Questions

Please contact us directly if any issues are encountered during shipping or after you’ve received your cards. We will attempt to respond within 48 hours, but response times may vary if large volumes of inquiries are received.

Prior Updates


  • Dave “Redemptor” Thomas

    Dave is on the Distribution team (Canada) for NSG and also answers your support emails. He’s been playing Netrunner since 2023 and favours Criminal and HB. He generally suffers from having too many hobbies.