
Downfall Card Commentary

Editor’s note, April 2020: The content of this article was originally embedded in the Downfall Runner spoiler article. We have split it into its own post here for increased readability and accessibility.

Downfall is coming, full of cards that feel equal parts fresh and familiar. Joining us today are several members of the NISEI team, here to offer their perspectives on some of their favorite new Runner cards from the set.



My vote for most competitive card in this product, and it’s really fun to build around too. Trash a Bank Job with 7 credits missing, trash a Jackpot! if you’re already at game point, trash an unwanted directive if you’re Adam! Or just use with Daily Casts, The Class Act, or Crowdfunding. Card is awesome.




Hate me if you must, but Dumblefork was one of my favorite decks in ANR history. A key component was Parasite. Even before that deck, the little bugger was my favorite breaker and one of the main reasons I fell hard for the game. It made ice less of a math problem and more of a puzzle, showing me that there were creative ways to play the game. I am excited to see if Chisel makes a meta splash, and if some de-powered iteration of Dumblefork rises again (obvs without Whizzard; RIP).


Flip Switch

Flip Switch

Criminal gets a small Swiss Army knife utility. There’s something useful here for almost all match-ups. Slots are tight, but this little hardware might be too neat to give up. Just being able to jack out after the Corp rezzes ice is worth the price (deck slot and the single credit); not to mention the Geist and Az synergy.


“Baklan” Bochkin

"Baklan" Bochkin

There were a few changes to this card, the main ones being to take it from what I think was the most broken card in the set originally, to being reasonably tame. But in the process it gained a trash, so my Ghost Boi can get yet more underserved love!


The Class Act

The Class Act

Earthrise Hotel with Mr. Li, yet so much more.


Lat: Ethical Freelancer

Lat: Ethical Freelancer

Probably the new standard for general Shaper ID, since it’s the basic 45/15 with a draw benefit. And link! The draw is easy and comes after discard. Almost no downsides to this ID, but watch out for damage Corps that tempt a low grip size.


In the Groove

In the Groove

I’ve always been a bit of a combo player; and it’s cards like these, that are so devilishly simple, but pose a question, or a puzzle that I love most.




Nothing inspires such intense interest for the Runner, an almost religious revelatory ecstasy, as those deep accesses on R&D. “Hoo-shook” (with a very soft k at the end there) captures that experience that is my favourite in all of Netrunner.




This card used to have the text of Lat and gave you 3 credits if you had the same amount of credits as the Corp. People did not think it was good on first read… which is why playtesting is so important. Incredibly potent midgame, and you can use paid abilities on breakers at the end of turn if you’re one credit above the Corp! My favorite design in the set.


Preparing for the Fall

The Runner cards you see here are only a fraction of the 30 brand-new Runner cards contained in Downfall. Develop new strategies, or use these tools to refresh old ones. One thing’s for sure: after the Downfall, nothing will be the same.

Downfall will be available via print-on-demand and free print-and-play on March 18, 2019.


  • Spencer Dub

    Spencer hangs out on Null Signal's Narrative and Visual teams. He lives in Oregon, USA with his wife, cat, and daughter, only one of whom he's successfully introduced to the game so far.