
Community Roundup 26 Aug 2022

We’re back for a quick mid-Continentals season update!

  • Just missing the cutoff point for being included in the last roundup, The Slumscast returns with their hottest take ever, and start podcast beef against an entire country! Listen here.
  • Not to be outdone, The Shadow Net return and start beef against the entire Shaper faction, muscling in on the Slumscast’s beef-grazing turf! Find it here.
  • Our ears were truly spoiled as Retromancer also released a new episode, with their review of the cards in Midnight Sun as well as an interview with asqwasqw, winner of the Ashes-to-Ashes online tournament! Get that fresh .mp3 here.
  • In addition, Retromancer hosts Oddball and Thrazznos are hosting the Retromancer Circuit Opener! This will take place online, under the Startup format, and using single-sided Swiss. This takes place tomorrow, Saturday 27 August, 09:00am PDT. Tickets can be found here.
  • If Startup isn’t your jam, don’t forget that we’re in the middle of Continentals season! The American Continental Championship is taking place this coming weekend, the European and African Championship on the weekend after, and the Intercontinental Championship in two weeks! All will be streamed live via Twitch, with live commentary and giveaways for viewers. While signups for the American Championship are closed, there’s plenty of time to sign up for next week’s European and African Championship!
  • Not sure what you’d play? Our newly-crowned repeat Asia-Pacific Continental Champion Sokka has been uploading all his APAC games to YouTube with commentary, providing an excellent crib sheet to those of us who haven’t had time to get a handle on the new meta!
  • Excited to play in an online Netrunner tournament, but can’t handle sitting at your computer for an entire day? The Green Level Clearance Discord server has an alternative for you, hosting not one, not two, but, wait, no, it is actually two asynchronous Circuit Openers (one Startup, one Standard), where you play one game a week at a time you arrange with your opponent! Ed from the GLC mod team has the scoop:

Greetings Cool Cyber Punks, it’s time to announce GLC’s online Circuit Openers!
When is it? Our Circuit Openers will both begin on August 29th. We will be hosting one startup CO and one standard CO. You can play in both! These events will be async tournaments, where we will post pairings every Monday and you will have a full week to play against your opponent.
How is it different from GLC leagues? You will be required to register your decklist when you sign up for the CO, and you may not change it during the full event. Note that we will be suspending the leagues while the CO’s are running, but these events are new-player friendly as well, so if you’ve been playing in the leagues, we’d love to see you in our CO’s!
How many rounds? We will be running a maximum of 5 rounds of Swiss (depending on registered player count), then taking a week break for World’s. After World’s is finished, we will be picking the event back up to run the top cut (number of players in cut, again, dependent on the number of registered players. The exact number of rounds of Swiss and size of the cut will be determined when we close registration, the day before the tournament begins.
How do I register? Go to the channel for the CO you want to participate in and post a message in the sign-up thread. Please don’t use these threads for chatting, if you have questions use tournament-feedback. The channels are: #startup-co #standard-co
How much is it? Our Circuit Openers are free to play! These events do cost our team a lot of money, in prize support and shipping, and donations are welcome (PayPal link). If each player gives $5, that would cover our costs, but if you can’t afford it, do please still register! GLC is committed to accessibility first and foremost, and we want everyone to get a chance to compete! Join us at discord.gg/glc – Good luck and have fun!

Both of these start on Monday, Aug 29, so head over to GLC and sign up!

  • In preparation for GLC’s Startup CO, NISEI’s own Kevin Tame has been streaming some Startup, looking for the right decks. Join him here!
  • Of course, online isn’t the only game in town! Remember to check Always Be Running for a rundown of in-person tournaments happening near you!
  • In future in-person tournament news, NISEI’s OP Manager Orbital Tangent was a guest on Métropole Grid’s stream for an exclusive reveal of some of the prize support for the 2022 World Championship, which takes place in Toronto Oct 7-9! Watch him and Andrej talk not just about cool prizes, but about all the other cool things that will be happening at Worlds, here!
  • A reminder that the discounted group rate for rooms at the Toronto Sheraton, where Worlds is taking place, is only valid until September 8. Please book before that to ensure you’ll be able to stay at the venue! Details here!
  • Finally, here’s a few more Twitch streamers who’ve been active recently: MasterShake_2_0, Mark (streaming his meatspace Circuit Opener!), Elusive_Minstrel, and BolivarAdept (in Spanish). Give them all a follow!

Hope everyone enjoys all the upcoming tournament action! See you on Jnet or in stream chat, and make sure to contact us through our social media if you’d like to have anything included in the next roundup!
