
Announcing Accelerated Meta Test Online Monthly Events

Hello Runners and Sysops!

Even though more in-person events are occurring, the last few years showed us that online events should continue to receive support from NSG Organized Play. Starting on March 25th at 12pm EDT / 4pm UTC, we will be running monthly online events through the NSG Online Events Discord and the Always Be Running Page. A registration link will be posted in the #amt-general in the event Discord two hours before the event start.

These events will rotate through timezones and weekends to make them hopefully more accessible to players worldwide. Current plans are for most of the monthly events to use the Standard format, but we will be discussing other options.

To make these events sustainable to run and free to enter, the only prize support will be a Circuit Breaker Invitational invite for the top finisher for events under twenty players, with two invites available for events that exceed twenty players. The events will follow OP guidelines for number of rounds, but event length may depend on the number of the players. Most events will consist of  six to eight games.

If you’re interested in helping to stream, organize, or judge these events, please contact op@nullsignal.games with the subject line “Volunteering for Monthly Online Events”. If you’re looking to get started with tournament organizing, streaming, or judging this is a great opportunity to try it out as part of a team.
