
Comprehensive Rules 1.5 Out Now

Editor’s note: The documents linked in this article were current when the article was written, but as time goes on, new versions of the Comprehensive Rules and Card Text Updates will make them outdated. For the latest versions of these rules documents, please visit the Comprehensive Rules Hub.

After many months of hard work, the NISEI Rules team proudly announces that NISEI Comprehensive Rules 1.5 is now released.

As detailed in the two preview articles earlier this year, this version of the rules codifies several changes, including the new run timing chart, a new rule for consoles, and changes to terminology such as breach, interface, and root. Turn to the preview articles linked above for a quick, human-readable summary of the big changes.

Also released alongside Comprehensive Rules 1.5 is the new Card Text Updates document. Errata to printed cards previously had its own section in the Comprehensive Rules, but as of this release, it will now be contained in a separate document. NetrunnerDB will also be kept updated with the latest official card text.

You can find the latest versions of both documents at our new Comprehensive Rules Hub. There, you’ll also find links to the Learn to Play guide and our Major Changes page, as well as an archive of previous versions of the NISEI rules.

The NISEI Comprehensive Rules 1.5 and Card Text Updates 1.0 will be in effect for the upcoming NISEI Continental Championships.

In the coming days, we will publish the combined System Gateway/System Update 2021 Release Notes, providing a more detailed discussion of the new changes to the rules and answering several frequently-asked questions.

Thank you for your patience. Always be running!


  • Spencer Dub

    Spencer hangs out on Null Signal's Narrative and Visual teams. He lives in Oregon, USA with his wife, cat, and daughter, only one of whom he's successfully introduced to the game so far.