[15 April 2019: This article has been updated with links to product pages at POD services as well as a link to the product page on this website]
Bit of a change of plans… because there have been a lot of requests for this info to allow people to pre-plan bulk purchases, I’ve got the print-on-demand info for you today.
We’ll have stores set up on both MakePlayingCards and DriveThruCards, with two different card stocks available from MakePlayingCards. Each option provides different benefits in terms of card quality and shipping cost. For those of you who don’t want to go print-on-demand, I’ve personally tested the Print and Play file and the cards look great!
Here are the prices, as well as some things we’ve noticed when ordering our proofs! Prices do not include shipping, and are the lowest we can get the price – hence some weird numbers.
DriveThruCards – $40.43
- Similar card stock quality to FFG cards
- Best way to support NISEI in terms of revenue
- Fast shipping available
- Small delay on this because of an error in the first proofs, and so won’t be available until about a week after release
- Shipping outside of the US is very expensive
MakePlayingCards Standard – starting from $40.43
- Affordable shipping worldwide
- Fast shipping available
- Discount available if ordering multiple packs – the cost per-pack is lower for orders of six or more sets, and a lot lower for orders of thirty or more sets
- Card stock slightly thinner than FFG, although not noticeable when sleeved
- Corners more rounded than FFG cards
- Discount codes often available if you hunt for them
MakePlayingCards Premium – starting from $50
- Affordable shipping worldwide
- Fast shipping available
- Discount available if ordering multiple packs, the cost per-pack is lower for orders of six or more sets, and a lot lower for orders of thirty or more sets
- Card stock slightly thicker than FFG, again not very noticeable when sleeved (will feel similar to many fan made alts available e.g. Kysra’s Aumakuas)
- Corners more rounded than FFG cards
- Discount codes often available if you hunt for them
Print-and-play PDF – FREE/Pay what you want
- Downloadable directly from NISEI.net
- 9 cards per page, 22 pages (for the 3x version) and 8 pages (for the 1x)
- Square corners, no bleed
- Simply print, and cut with scissors
For all the details and options (including various language versions as they appear over time), please check the product page.
So that’s that, just time for me to wrap up and… oh wait, what’s this? Picking up a broadcast from the Development Team, patching it through to you now.
Attention, Runners! As NISEI Plaza continues to grow, and as our production process matures, we need to recruit more volunteers in order to produce great content for the Netrunner community. At the moment, we’re looking for an Associate Developer to help us create a balanced and interactive play experience for players of all skill levels.
Here’s what an Associate Developer looks like to us:
– Has experience playing games at a competitive level.
– Is able to exhaustively discuss the impact of potential changes to a play environment.
– Is skilled in organizing and summarizing large sets of feedback and play data.
– Is passionate about players’ experiences with Netrunner, and is able to empathize with players of different skill levels and backgrounds.
– Is capable of working as part of a team of similarly passionate individuals.
If this sounds like you, please fill out this application!
OK that really is it for today – good luck to those of you taking part in the last FFG-only era Store Championships this weekend and to all of you don’t forget to