Hello! Extrac from the production team here with another update.
Things are gaining pace over at Null Signal HQ. Since the last update we have passed some key milestones on the road to releasing part two of the Liberation Cycle.
All cards in the set have been thematically locked, meaning we now know exactly what the character or subject of all of the individual cards in the set is going to be. This is an important milestone in the processes of commissioning art and writing flavour text.
The next major step in preparing the cards’ visuals is writing the art briefs – the ideas we send out to artists to work from. There are currently 15 briefs left to complete, with the rest either submitted or on the way to being submitted to artists. With thematic lock in place, we are looking forward to the set really starting to come to life as images are returned over the next few weeks.
We’ve also fully locked 66% of card names, and are again anticipating an uptick in the pace of this work following thematic lock. The translation team have also begun their engagement process to get an early start on translating card names, so we can meet our multilingual commitment to players.
On the mechanical side, design has been fully completed, meaning we know what all of the individual cards do. The development processes that fine-tune elements of the cards are also well underway.
Development is currently sitting at around 63% complete, with many cards already in or approaching their final state. This will be the key focus for the mechanical teams over the next few weeks, to ensure we can produce a successful follow up to the gameplay ideas of the set introduced in The Automata Initiative.
Pictured below is our overall progress board from air table, showing the progress towards completion of the major stages in the production of the set.

In summary: we remain confident in our initial projected timelines, and will continue to work over the coming weeks and months to bring you part two of the Liberation Cycle in Q1 2024 as predicted. We’re very excited to share more details with players in the coming weeks and months.