
New URL for Cobra Tournament Software

As we have recently mentioned, the registration for the Cobr.ai URL has lapsed. With the popularity of generative AI and large language models driving prices for .ai domains up, we prefer to spend that money on more powerful servers for our tools to ensure their stability during large events. As such, the new home for Cobra, our web-based tournament software, can now be found at tournaments.nullsignal.games, cobra.nullsignal.games, and t.nullsignal.games. You can also always find a link to it under the Organizers section of our website.

Our thanks to all past and current developers of this fantastic tool, especially John O’Brien, aka Johno, Cobra’s original creator, seen below (alongside King of Servers and ANRPC organizer Spags, right) being recognised for his work on Cobra and all his other contributions to the community with the award of our Community Champion playmats.

Be sure to visit Johno’s Twitch channel this weekend and watch the livestream of the UK National Championship!

Johno and Spags with their Community Champion playmats
Johno (left) and Spags posing with their Community Champion playmats at Magnum Opus (2018).
