
Introducing the Startup Format

Power on. Let’s see what this thing can do.

Last year, we announced a new format for NISEI constructed play. This format was intended to take the place of Core Experience as a small, limited-cardpool format for anyone, including new players, who wanted a competitive experience without the large cardpool of Standard. Today, we’re finally announcing that format’s name: Startup.

Illustration by Scott Uminga

The cardpool for Startup, as previously described, will consist of the following:

  1. System Gateway
  2. The most recent System Update, initially System Update 2021
  3. The most recent NISEI narrative set, initially Ashes (Downfall and Uprising)

For more details on Startup, check out last summer’s announcement article—all that’s changed is the name. We’ve also added Startup to our Supported Formats page, which is the home for information about the formats we support. We’ll keep that page updated and announce big changes here on the blog.

Look forward to more Startup support once System Gateway and System Update 2021 launch at the end of March 2021! Is your system ready?


  • Spencer Dub

    Spencer hangs out on Null Signal's Narrative and Visual teams. He lives in Oregon, USA with his wife, cat, and daughter, only one of whom he's successfully introduced to the game so far.