
February Accelerated Meta Test Tournaments

A new year brings with it a new competitive season, and this year we’re kicking it up a notch with even more online play options!

Our Accelerated Meta Tests (AMTs) have been very well received by the community and continue to see good turnouts, so we’re building on that and moving up to two AMTs per month (outside of months containing major events like continentals or worlds). This will allow everyone to play more often within their preferred time zone.

AMTs have traditionally been held in Standard and Double Sided Swiss exclusively, but in the coming year we will be seeing variation in both of these options. We will, however, guarantee that at least one of our AMTs each month will be in the Standard format, so fans of the format can rest assured they’re not losing anything with these changes. Tournaments will be run in either Single or Double Sided Swiss based on Tournament Organizer preference.

To get things started, for February, our first two AMTs will be as follows:

  • Saturday 3rd of Feb 10am EST (15:00 UTC)Standard (Single Sided Swiss)
    • Entry is free.
    • First place will be an invite to the 2025 Circuit Breaker Invitational, with a second invite available for second place if there are 20 or more players.
    • We expect 6 rounds of Single Sided Swiss (40 minutes per round) and a cut to Top 4, but this is subject to change based on player numbers.
    • More information available on AlwaysBeRunning.
  • Sunday 18th of Feb 9am UTCSunset (Double Sided Swiss)
    • Entry is free.
    • As the Sunset format does not qualify for Circuit Breaker Invitational invites, the prizing for this event will be a playset of full-art foil SanSan City Grids for the Top 16 placing players.
    • Interest for this event is difficult to predict but we expect 4 rounds of Double Sided Swiss (65 minutes per round) and a cut to Top 4.
    • We will be compiling decklist data for our Sunset AMT through cobra. Please make sure you have your decklists saved on netrunnerdb.com before the tournament to ensure a smooth registration experience.
    • More information available on AlwaysBeRunning.

With the increased quantity of AMTs this year comes an increased need for TOs, judges, and commentators. If you would like to help out with hosting, judging, or commentating for these events, or with future Accelerated Meta Tests, please reach out to us via email!

We are looking forward to seeing you at these events and subsequent ones throughout the year!


  • Kror

    Kror is a member of Null Signal Games' Organised Play team. Whenever he's not running tournaments you can find him piloting villainous decks against players in his local area in Melbourne.