
EU Store Update – August 31st

Progress Report

We have no further progress to report on the EU Store situation at this time. However, we expect to have a more extensive update in September, and we ask for your continued patience while we bring that to fruition.

We recognize that delays to orders have unfortunately continued for far longer than we’d hoped. If you would like to cancel your delayed order, we would be happy to offer a full refund to all impacted orders. However, we would suggest that you wait until our update in early September, in which we hope we will have significant news to share. If you would like to take up this offer, please let us know at support@nullsignal.games and include your 4 or 5 digit order number.

Circuit Opener and Nationals Kits

We realize this outage has also impacted various Tournament Organizers awaiting Circuit Opener and Nationals kits.

We are working on a plan for these and will have an update on timelines and expectations early in September.

We would like to apologize once again if this means your event will occur without the kit you were expecting. If you have additional questions, please reach out to op@nullsignal.games or support@nullsignal.games as appropriate.


We expect to have another update to share in September.

Thank you for your exceptional patience. Apologies again for the delay to your orders. We’re still working hard to resolve this issue, and are very much looking forward to putting it behind us!


  • Dave “Redemptor” Thomas

    Dave is on the Distribution team (Canada) for NSG and also answers your support emails. He’s been playing Netrunner since 2023 and favours Criminal and HB. He generally suffers from having too many hobbies.