
2022 Season & Worlds Survey

It’s hard to believe that the 2022 World Championships have already come and gone. In fact we’re nearly 20+ days from the last card played. We are hoping to publish a longer write-up soon, but today is not that day. While I plan to write something a little more personal from my perspective, life hasn’t exactly been cooperative. Look for that article in the future.

Why are we posting today? Because it’s also high time that we ask you fine folks of the Netrunner community several burning questions about the 2022 Season, the 2022 World Championship, and what prizes you might like to win from your friendly Organized Play folks. We’re really excited for you to tell us how you want to play, and this is your chance!

This survey is open to everyone, including those who did not attend the World Championship, although we will ask some questions targeted at attendees of that event. Your opinions and preferences are very important to us, and will be used to shape the future of tournament structure for Netrunner, so fill out the form as completely and thoughtfully as you are able.

Before you begin, we do want to emphasize two things 1) policy changes are not a vote — your feedback is just one aspect of final decision making, and 2) please directly answer the questions and don’t include irrelevant information on written answers.

Thanks for your input!

Always Be Running


  • Orbital_Tangent

    Null Signal Games' Organized Play Manager. Orbital Tangent is also a co-host of the Slumscast (Netrunner's OK-est podcast) and runs a yearly Minnesota tournament called Off The Grid (OTG).