As is now traditional for us, the turning of the year marks the time that we at NISEI launch a recruitment drive. This is a somewhat natural occurrence for an organisation like ours: we’re a volunteer group that relies on the love of the game (and occasionally some sweet alts, or a unique playmat) for reward, and so if people find their free time becoming limited it’s unsurprising that a project like this would be the first thing to fall by the wayside. In addition to this—much like in the corporate world—when one person announces they are leaving, it often prompts others to reevaluate their situation. Several of the people leaving or stepping into other roles have been with NISEI for two full years or more, which is a not-inconsiderable amount of time to work on a volunteer project!
Everyone at NISEI wishes those people leaving all the best with their future endeavours. We’ll miss you, so you’d better stay in touch…
We’ve decided that the creative team will now be represented by two separate roles on the leadership board instead of one Creative Director: the Visual Director, who covers the art and graphics side of our creative teams, and the Writing Director, who covers the setting and story side of our creative teams.
And so, without further ado, here are the roles we’re now looking to fill, if you have questions about any of these roles, please email—applications close on the 31st of March, 2021!

All of these are board positions, so have the following duties alongside those listed below:
- Facilitate communication between their teams and others within the organization.
- Act as the stakeholder for the needs of their teams during Board meetings.
- Manage the individual members of their team and recruit new members to ensure that they are able to meet deadlines without stressing or crunching.
- Continuously improve the structure of their team, their team’s procedures, and the availability and transparency of their team’s assets.
As you may have heard, Zac is stepping down as the President of NISEI and as such, we are looking for someone to take his place as the head of the organization.
Duties include:
- Facilitate communication between the leaders of each team and others within the organization.
- Run board meetings, directing discussion and helping the team to arrive at decisions.
- Address the needs of individual members of the board and recruit new members when necessary.
- Help each team to structure timelines and budgets for NISEI products.
- Continuously improve the structure of the board, organizational procedures, and the availability and transparency of the organization’s assets.
- Work with the treasury to streamline processes for managing external payments
- Maintain NISEI’s business credentials, legal status, and tax information (consulting with outside counsel where necessary)
To apply for the position of NISEI President, please complete this form.
In addition to the duties listed above, as President you will need strong skills in communication, leadership, and adaptability. If you feel like you have those skills, we can’t wait to hear from you!
Zac says: “It’s been a pleasure helping to build NISEI into an organization that produces high quality new Netrunner sets, maintains a healthy community, and gives people avenues to demonstrate their skill at the game. I would love for you to help drive NISEI to even greater heights in the future.”
Visual Director
Visual Director leads the graphics and art teams. In addition to the above responsibilities, they must:
- Work with Art Coordinators to create the art budget for NISEI’s full card sets.
- Work with the Writing Director to figure out what visual themes will be used to represent new sets’ settings.
- Work with the rest of the Board to decide on reasonable timelines for the production of art for new sets.
To apply for the position of Visual Director, please complete this form.
Writing Director
The Writing Director leads the writing team, is responsible for the settings and theme of NISEI sets, and is also a member of the NISEI Board. In addition to the above responsibilities, they must:
- Lead collaboration between the writing and design teams to determine the story, setting, and themes of upcoming sets.
- Work with the Visual Director to ensure that new sets look and feel unique.
- Work with other teams to coordinate the creation of story segments, flavor text, card titles, and descriptions of settings and characters.
- Manage the corpus of NISEI characters and stories, and ensure that new work maintains consistency with existing work.
To apply for the position of Writing Director, please complete this form.
EDI Lead
The EDI Lead’s duties include but are not limited to:
- Identifying ways NISEI can further inclusiveness and accessibility initiatives, and coordinating efforts with the other teams to those goals.
- Working with the Design, Development, and Rules teams to ensure that cards are non-exclusionary, clear, and easy to understand for everybody
- Working with the Creative Director to ensure all content of all mediums produced is culturally sensitive, diverse, and represents equally all people.
- Coordinate with OP to produce NISEI’s Codes of Conduct
- Provide guidance to OP for accessibility of event location, and collect and advertise accessibility information for various venues, e.g.:
- Wheelchair access
- Gender-neutral toilets
- Accommodations for players requiring fixed seating
- How to host events that accommodate anxiety, autism, and other mental disabilities
- Be aware of the community and work with the Community Manager to ensure community produced content complies with the organisation’s diversity, equality, and inclusion standards.
To apply for this role, please complete this form.
Organised Play
We would like to add a number of additional members to our Standard Balance Team. Responsibilities include:
- Gathering and analysing real life tournament data to identify potential problems in the game environment (specifically for the Standard and Eternal formats)
- Proactively suggesting changes that would improve metagame balance, variety, and fun
- Participating in playtesting and gathering playtester feedback.
While being a top tier competitive player is by no means a requirement for this post, knowledge and engagement with the metagame, especially using competitive decks, is essential. Other requirements include being active on both the NISEI Slack and the playtest Discord during MWL testing periods, and having the communication skills to engage with the community and playtesters in a constructive way.
We are particularly keen to receive applications from persons with data science and/or statistics skills. To apply, please click here.
OP North America
You must live in Canada to be considered for this position.
This position is critical to NISEI Organized Play and an OP Coordinator would be responsible for the following:
- Occasionally placing orders for and receiving shipments of playmats, prize support cards, etc.
- Assembling, packaging, and shipping small to moderate quantities of prize kits a few times a year—Store Championship kits, Regional Championship kits, etc. to players and organizers located in Canada
- Organizing or assisting community members with organizing a yearly North American Championship
- Assisting and guiding community members interested in organizing NISEI-supported events
- Following up on NISEI Organized Play email correspondence
- Being reasonably active in NISEI workspaces (primarily Slack, also Trello)
- (Optionally) Communicating with the North American event organizers through a newsletter or blog posts
Any costs incurred (postage, shipping supplies, etc.) will be reimbursed by NISEI or paid up front.
To apply for the position of OP North America, please complete this form.
OP United Kingdom
You must live in the United Kingdom to be considered for this position.
This position is critical to NISEI Organized Play and an OP Coordinator would be responsible for the following:
- Occasionally placing orders for and receiving shipments of playmats, prize support cards, etc.
- Assembling, packaging, and shipping small to moderate quantities of prize kits a few times a year – Store Championship kits, Regional Championship kits, etc. to players and organizers located in the UK
- Working with the OP Europe coordinator to organize an annual European Championship
- Assisting and guiding community members interested in organizing NISEI-supported events
- Following up on NISEI Organized Play email correspondence
- Being reasonably active in NISEI workspaces (primarily Slack, also Trello)
- (Optionally) Communicating with the UK event organizers through a newsletter or blog posts
Any costs incurred (postage, shipping supplies, etc.) will be reimbursed by NISEI or paid up front.
To apply for the position of OP North America, please complete this form.
Online Events Coordinator
This position is responsible for the following:
- Occasionally organizing official NISEI events online via
- Coordinating with the OP team to create interesting and unique prizes for said events
- Working with OP regional coordinators to ensure prizes won at online NISEI events are proofed, ordered, and distributed in a timely fashion
- Assisting and guiding community members interested in organizing NISEI-supported events taking place online
- Managing the NISEI Discord server used for online events
- Following up on NISEI Organized Play email correspondence
- Being reasonably active in NISEI workspaces (primarily Slack, also Trello)
- (Optionally) Communicating with event organizers through a newsletter or blog posts
To apply for the position of Online Events Coordinator, please complete this form.
Game Designers
As we’ve ramped up design on multiple future content releases and our workload grows, we’ve found ourselves in need of a couple more designers around to help craft the future of Netrunner. The responsibilities and traits of a NISEI Game Designer are:
- Originating and pitching concepts for new Netrunner mechanics.
- Designing new cards that align with collaboratively determined design goals.
- Willingness to give and receive feedback, collaborate, and compromise.
- Ability to attend 2-3 two hour meetings a month via Discord, plus dedicate time to designing content and giving feedback on other designer’s work.
- You care deeply about helping to continue and improve upon Netrunner’s legacy of diversity and inclusion.
No prior experience is required. An eager amateur designer is as encouraged to apply as is a professional veteran designer. If you would like to apply, please complete this form.
Production Coordinator
In order to be able to deliver new content to you as smoothly as possible, we need one of you to join our ranks as Production Coordinator. This person will coordinate cross-functional projects, track deadlines, communicate with our suppliers and generally oversee the production pipeline while keeping the Board apprised of potential slippage.
Here’s what a Production Coordinator looks like to us:
- Has experience with product management.
- Has strong interpersonal skills.
- Is familiar with print on demand and shipping services.
- Has compassion for Netrunner players regardless of background or financial situation.
To apply for this role, please click here.
We’re still looking for more translators, especially for Spanish, Portuguese, and any other languages not currently available to purchase… if you speak multiple languages and are able to volunteer some time for this, we would love to hear from you via this form.
Playtesters provide feedback and data both in quantitative form through game report forms as well as qualitative through discussions on forum and Discord. Playtesters should ideally bring the following:
- Enthusiasm for Netrunner
- Ability to provide systematic feedback
- Frustration tolerance. While all feedback is received, not all feedback will be acted on.
- Ban List testers do not need to be highly competitive, but knowledge of the tournament meta is very helpful
If you’d like to become a set playtester, fill in this form, or for ban list testing, this one!