
System Update 2021: Full Runner Spoiler

Here it comes: the first half of the full spoiler for System Update 2021! Today, we’ll be spoiling all the Runner cards from the set. Click the card images to expand them.

These cards will be added to the System Update 2021 set page on NetrunnerDB in the next few days, with their updated images and text.

Let’s get to it!






Ready to see the System Update 2021 Corp cards? Eager to get your hands on this set? We’ll publish the full list of Corp cards tomorrow, and you can get the full set when it releases on (or very shortly after) March 28, 2021.


  • Spencer Dub

    Spencer hangs out on Null Signal's Narrative and Visual teams. He lives in Oregon, USA with his wife, cat, and daughter, only one of whom he's successfully introduced to the game so far.