
Introducing the 2020 Worlds Celebration Pack!

The event is done and the results are in: your 2020 NISEI World Champion is Limes!

Please join us in delivering him another hearty congratulations. To watch his games and other Worlds matches, visit our YouTube channel.

Limes took the event by surprise with two really left-field decks: a Sportsmetal combo deck running just three ice, and a Hoshiko build based around Friday Chip and Imp.

We have released a Celebration Pack to commend his win! Each pack contains the winning identity cards, Hoshiko Shiro and Sportsmetal, as well as two playsets of four key cards from Limes’s decks — two Corp cards and two Runner cards.

The six cards contained in the pack: Hoshiko Shiro, Sportsmetal, Paladin Poemu, Project Vacheron, Liberated Account, and Archived Memories, along with the set symbol and a signature that reads, "Always be Running! -Rich/Limes".

Each pack contains the following:

Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home 
Project Vacheron
Archived Memories 
Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
Liberated Account 
Paladin Poemu

One playset of each card, including the identities, features Limes’s signature.

Sportsmetal and Liberated Account, featuring Limes's autograph in gold ink

These packs make great gifts as well as prizes for events during the holidays! They are also an excellent way to beautify your decks with some exclusive full-bleeds. You can order these cards today from both DriveThruCards and MakePlayingCards. Please follow those links to order yours!

Congratulations once more to the 2020 NISEI World Champion, Limes, and thank you to the entire community for a fantastic World Championship.


  • NtscapeNavigator

    {she/they} - Judge, organiser, artist, and streamer. Navi is no stranger to card games, having played them since she was 13. Her Netrunner highlight was winning her local 2018 Regionals.