This set of cards is a lower budget version of the full Q2 2019 Game Night Kit, created as a request from smaller metas within our community. You don’t have to go through a retailer or prove to us that you’re running an event; you may use these as you see fit. All we ask is that you share the experience over a few games and do not purchase them with the sole intent of reselling them later.
This kit contains the following:
- 17x IPO (card)
- 4x Security Nexus (card)

This kit is on sale until April 14, 2019 (23:59 UTC).
The base price for the Q2 2019 GNK (Cards Only) is $15 US; this includes international shipping and taxes.
NISEI is not-for-profit; the sales of these kits help us cover not only their cost but also artwork, shipping, web hosting, and more.
If you wish to donate to our organization, you may pay more at your discretion.