As the 2024 Netrunner World Championship draws closer, it is our pleasure to reveal to you the prizing structure for the weekend!
Note: Not all alternate art cards are ready at the time of publication and as a result this article does not initially contain images of every card. We will be updating this article as we are ready to show them.
If you missed any of our previous posts about this year’s World Championship, all of it can be found under this tag. Don’t forget that you can join the Worlds 2024 Discord server, where you can find information about side events, the main tournament and visiting San-Francisco.
Before we get started on prizing for individual events, we would like to announce that the first 225 people to purchase the weekend pass on eventbrite will receive a 1 inch Worlds 2024 pin!

Standard World Championship
We are pleased to announce that for the first time ever, the Netrunner World Championship will be held using Single-Sided Swiss!
There will be a total of 14 single-sided swiss rounds followed by a double elimination top cut. The first 11 rounds will be played on Saturday, after which all card prizes will be awarded based on those standings. In other words, the ‘top half’ prize will be evaluated based on standings after round 11. Only players who have the potential to make the top cut will continue to play in the final 3 rounds on Sunday, which will be followed by the top cut itself. The requirements to qualify for Sunday will be communicated in-person and on Discord on the day of the event.
If you make it to day two of Standard, you will be awarded all side event prizes. If you make the top cut, you will also be awarded all card prizes from the Startup event.
Make sure to mark yourself as going on the Always Be Running page.
Without further adieu, here is the prizing for the main event:

- 1st Place: Title of ‘2024 World Champion’. Opportunity to work with Design and Development on a Champion Card. One-of-a-kind Malandragem playmat (Illustrated by Adam S. Doyle).
2024 World Champion Trophy[Editor’s note: due to unforeseen circumstances, we are no longer planning to provide a Trophy for this year’s World Champion. They will still receive the other prizes listed here.] - Top 8: Wooden Deckboxes (by Russell Mortishire-Smith)
- Top 16: 18×24 inch Tributary Poster (Illustrated by Scott Uminga)
- Top 32: Coalescence Playmat (illustrated by Elwin “Jakuza” Rumplmair)
- Top half: Meatspace corp IDs from the Borealis cycle (Illustrated by Dimik and Emilio Rodríguez)
- 15 points: Dr. Nuka Vrolyck alternate art card (Illustrated by Matheus Calza)
- 9 points: Bladderwort alternate art card (Illustrated by Cat Shen)
- 3 points: Oppo Research alternate art card (Illustrated by Martin de Diego Sádaba)
- Participation: Bahia Bands alternate art card (Illustrated by Scott Uminga)

Startup Event
This event will take place on Sunday, and will consist of 8 rounds of Single-Sided Swiss. Check out Always Be Running for further details, and mark yourself down as going.
Here are the prizes you can expect to see this year for Startup:

- 1st Place: Title of ‘2024 Startup Champion’. Opportunity to work with Organized Play on a Reigning Champion Card. One-of-a-kind Tucana playmat (Illustrated by Liiga Smilshkalne).
- Top 8: 18×24 inch Tributary Poster (Illustrated by Scott Uminga)
- Top 16: Hearts and Minds playmat (Illustrated by Mauricio Herrera)
- 12 points: Hannah “Wheels” Pilintra alternate art card (Illustrated by Dimik)
- 9 points: Brân 1.0 alternate art card (Illustrated by Alecia Doyley)
- Participation: Docklands Pass alternate art card (Illustrated by Wyn Lacabra)

Crown of Servers Team Event
This is a casual event where table talk is both permitted and encouraged. This year, we will be returning to the format where all 3 players on a team play Standard, but with no overlapping factions in a team. This event will be 5 rounds of Double-Sided Swiss. Make sure to sign your team up using the registration sheet. If you need to find a team, the sheet has a tab for those who are missing teammates – or check out the dedicated discord channel. We also have a page for the Team Event on Always Be Running.
Here is the prizing you can expect to earn at the Crown of Servers Team Event:

- 1st Place Team: 2024 Crown of Servers Trophy
- Top Half: Business As Usual alternate art card (Illustrated by Yuka Hu)
- Participation: Virtual Service Agent alternate art card (Illustrated by Alexis Spicer)
Side Events
This year more than ever, we will be encouraging people to organize their own side events. You can find what side events there are or organize your own in the appropriate discord channel. Details will also be collected on the Side Events page on Always Be Running. If you are organizing a side event, talk to tournament staff before it starts and we’ll provide you with some prizing!
The prizes for side events are:
- Physarum Entangler alternate art card (Illustrated by Adam S. Doyle)
- Stavka alternate art card (Illustrated by Júlio Rocha)
- Faction dice

We want to say thank you to all of the wonderful people who are traveling and helping make worlds the event that it is. As thanks, all volunteers will be receiving:
- A 1 inch Worlds 2024 pin
- A playset of Arruaceiras Crew alternate art cards (Illustrated by Kira L. Nguyen)
- Your choice of one of the following volunteer-branded playmats:
- Coalescence (illustrated by Elwin “Jakuza” Rumplmair)
- Hearts and Minds (Illustrated by Mauricio Herrera)
If you were selected as a volunteer, you will be receiving an email in the coming days asking you for your preference. Please fill out the form as soon as possible.

Keep an eye on this article and on the Worlds 2024 Always Be Running pages for future updates of prize images. See you in San Francisco!