
Worlds 2023 Replacement Prizes Update

It has come to our attention that there was some confusion around the submission process for Worlds 2023 prize card replacements that we initiated in January of this year

Some of those eligible for replacements weren’t aware of the sign up form we made available. Additionally, not all those whose orders were sent out in March have received their replacements as expected.

In order to address these issues, we’re requesting that all participants who received prize cards from placements in the Standard or Startup events at Worlds 2023 complete this updated form if they would like to receive prize card replacements.

You should complete the form even if you had previously applied, so we can capture any changes in address or other details. 

The application window will remain open for two weeks, closing midnight Sunday June 23rd, to allow time for everyone to apply but also ensuring we can expedite resolution. If you are aware of attendees that have not received their replacement cards please direct them to this blog post.

Shipping and Support

All replacements will be sent from the US the week of June 24th via letter mail.

Any clarifications or questions can be directed as always to support@nullsignal.games


  • Dave “Redemptor” Thomas

    Dave is on the Distribution team (Canada) for NSG and also answers your support emails. He’s been playing Netrunner since 2023 and favours Criminal and HB. He generally suffers from having too many hobbies.