
Worlds 2021 Call for Volunteers (Judging and Streaming)

Hey there, Runners (and Corps)!

This year’s NISEI Worlds Championship will once again be taking place online. Therefore, it will be streamed lived and preserved for the neon-bright future in glorious stream-o-vision. We would love to have you along with us for the ride!

If you are wondering what a large, multi-day online event stream looks like, remember that we published videos of the Continental and Intercontinental Championships on our YouTube channel.
We took a Sure Gamble and invited folks from across the global community to lead the show – to great success! Never before has a global Netrunner event of that scale been so diversely and splendidly covered. Do take a look, there are literally dozens of hours of great material out there.

This year’s online Worlds experience will be similar, but squeezed into a single high-speed, intense long weekend (November 19th through 21st). For this event, we are looking for the following:

  1. Experienced community streamers who would like to host an extended block on any of the three days on our official Twitch channel.
  2. Community members who are interested in commentating the games during any of the three days.
  3. Additional stream(er)s, especially in languages other than English. As always, if you are planning to run any kind of Worlds 2021 side-stream on your own channel, do let us know – we would love to promote you during and before the event.

For points 1-3, please reach out to either to Vesper#0538 (discord), vesper[AT]cyberpunk.me (email) or manveruppd#5824 (discord).

  1. Community members interested in helping out with the organizational aspect of the event itself. For more information on this, please reach out to op[AT]nullsignal.games with the subject “OP Volunteer for Worlds 2021”. I hear there might be some special loot to be had for volunteering!

Once Worlds weekend is over, we plan to use live and recorded video content to keep the game fun and interesting for players of all experience and interest levels – and we will be looking for your participation in that as well! More news about that once we know who the 2021 World Champion is, though!

Good luck to everyone participating and…

Always Be Streaming!


  • Vesper

    Vesper wrote articles, conducted interviews, recorded streams, manipulated graphics, translated cards and rules, fought customs, sent out a ton of prize support around Europe, and did a few other things to keep the game you're reading about going and the community enjoying it happy. He hopes one day he can do something similarly fun - involving you!