
Welcome to Parhelion Previews

The clock has run down and Preview Season for Parhelion, the second half of the Borealis Cycle, is upon us! Starting today and until December 8, previews of the new cards will be posted both on our website and by a number of content creators from the Netrunner community. Alongside the card previews will be new short stories, videos, blog posts, deep dives into the mechanics of the cards, their competitive viability, the rules minutiae enabling them to work, and more!

The first two cards have already been revealed! Click here to find out what Issuaq Adaptics, the new Jinteki Identity in Parhelion, is doing to the Arctic Circle’s fauna.

Previewed cards will be uploaded to NetrunnerDB in batches every few days. Cards previewed by community content creators will not be uploaded for at least 48 hours, so if you want to see them right away, visit their spaces! Cards previewed on NullSignal.games will be uploaded with the next batch, even if it has been less than 48 hours.

For a quick shortcut to all preview articles on our own site, please use the following links:

Preview Schedule

Below please find a schedule for where and when each major group of cards will be revealed. This schedule omits a handful of cards that are being spoiled in surprising ways and places, so keep your eyes peeled for them during your daily wanders through the Net! It also omits a couple of content creators who have not yet been able to confirm the exact date they will be revealing their cards, so expect some more well-known names to be added to this list over the coming days.

Additionally, YsengrinSC will be back with Daily Casts once again, to discuss each day’s new card reveals alongside many cool guests! Each stream will begin at approximately 10.30 pm UTC.

Monday, November 28

  • The new Jinteki Identity is revealed in this piece of fiction by writer Erin “Chouxflower” Celovsky
  • Curious what card will have the art from the mysterious pile of Jakuza-made playmats we tweeted about? You can only find out by following our new account on the Fediverse!
  • The founding fathers of Netrunner streaming at Team Covenant will be trying out some Midnight Sun cards, and we might have snuck a Parhelion card in there for them as a bonus!

Tuesday, November 29

  • Find out what new depths HB has sunk to in a new short story here on our website!
  • LAST MINUTE ADDENDUM! World Champion Will “Sokka234” Huang will be livestreaming his reaction to the HB cards previewed earlier in the day, and then drop some HB previews of his own at 1pm PST / 9pm UTC!

Wednesday, November 30

  • We pass the baton to the community and let Métropole Grid demonstrate the Weyland Consortium’s newly enhanced negotiating tactics and corporate instruments.
  • Take heed as you avail yourselves of the robotic helpers you’ve come to rely on in your day to day life, as one of them is rumoured to have tapped into a strange new power source!

Thursday, December 1

Friday, December 2

  • Ysengrin reveals a trio of unusual icebreakers from different Runner factions.
  • NEW ADDITION! Following Wednesday’s revelations, amateur detectives Phil and Eric of The Shadow Net interrogate Morgan about all the Canadians they’ve murdered, showing them all the cards they’ve confiscated from Criminals they’ve caught to intimidate them into confessing!

Saturday, December 3

  • A new addition to preview season, stalwart tournament streamers Rosenheim City Grid, who provided heroic all-night side streams of online Netrunner tournaments during the pandemic, will be joining us to discuss some brand new Shaper cards!

Sunday, December 4

  • Another new entrant, this time Postis of Logic Bomb, the Netrunner rules blog! They will be interviewing a couple of members of Null Signal’s Rules team about two new cards in particular, and the tricky interactions they had to deal with in this set as a whole!
  • NEW ADDITION! The sagely gentlefolk of The Process will be joining the conversation with a choice selection of NBN previews.
  • We get a lot of card design pitches from unexpected places, but if you see something that looks suspiciously like a real Null Signal card anywhere on the Net today, please let us know!

Monday, December 5

  • Zinos from the Null Signal game dev team will be taking over our website to chew gum and make ice puns. And he’s all out of gum.

Tuesday, December 6

  • It’s Hot Take Tuesday once again, as The Slumscast take the reins and inflict unreasonable amounts of net damage on us with their Jinteki previews!

Wednesday, December 7

  • We’re back on the Null Signal Games website today, for a new piece of fiction and some neutral Corp card previews.

Thursday, December 8

  • Another short story on our website, as well as a look at our brand new neutral Runner. – SCHEDULE UPDATE: this story will be published later than the usual time, or on release day, but keep an eye out online for little hints of this new Runner’s identity!
  • Rowan from our team of site editors will be going over the implications of the Ashes Cycle rotating out of the Startup format card pool… but may take the opportunity to sneak in a Parhelion preview into the mix!

We’re very excited to show Parhelion off to the world, and can’t wait to see the decks you’ll all brew with these exciting new cards!

Parhelion will be released digitally on December 9, 2022, on Jinteki.net and as pay-what-you-want print-and-play files, and, on December 12, 2022, as physical cards via Null Signal Games’s store, our print-on-demand partners, and our authorized resellers.
