Hello again! RealityCheque broadcasting live from NISEI Plaza for the 5th day in a row… and today marks a really special day because it’s the day we start selling our first prize kit! For the details, we now go live to the post room where our very own OP Manager is making boxes and filling the printer up with address labels.
Over to you, @icecoldjazz…

Thanks, RC!
If you’re not reading this update on our website, go check it out! It’s still very much under construction so expect lots of changes in the near future. Alice and our lovely EDI Team have produced a Code of Conduct; you can always find the most recent version here. Additionally, we are building an FAQ with the questions you all ask the most, and working on an OP Resources page containing everything you need to run a successful event. We’ll have lots of printable resources, including posters to advertise Game Nights, blank proxies that can be filled out on-the-spot by tournament staff, and printer-friendly versions of all NISEI documents.
Equally exciting is that Q1 Game Night Kits are now on sale! Anyone can purchase these from us; there is no need to go through a retailer! Buy as many or as few as you like, combine them, or split them into multiple events, anytime, anywhere, in any format you choose! The possibilities are limitless and the details are up to you. While there’s nothing stopping you from purchasing a kit to enjoy the prizes for yourself, we definitely encourage sharing them over a few games.

There was a lot of quality discussion surrounding these kits recently and we definitely heard what you had to say! We’ve tweaked the quantities of promo cards in this kit to allow an extra of each for the organizer or to use as you see fit. In the future, we’ll also be offering cheaper kits without playmats (but the larger kits with the playmats won’t be going away).
You can purchase the Q1 Game Night Kit here with secure checkout through PayPal! These are initially priced at $30 US and ship for free worldwide. Please make sure your information is correct and complete before clicking “Continue” on Paypal’s site.
We’d like to reiterate here that NISEI is a not-for-profit endeavour and nobody on our team sees a penny of this money. We have incurred a plethora of costs, including web hosting, artwork, merchant fees, and much more. So far these costs have all been out of pocket for us as individuals and the sales of prize kits is our primary source of income to cover these substantial costs moving forward as well as allow us to offer better prize support in the future.
Game Night Kits are sold on a pay-what-you-want model, with a minimum to ensure we aren’t losing money on them. If you wish to donate to our organization, this is the best way to do so at the moment. Every little bit counts!

Kits can take up to a few weeks for us to assemble and ship out as we have to order product in bulk to keep costs down. If you order before 10 November (two weeks from now), expect to have a kit in your hands by the middle of December at the latest; our goal is to have every order shipped within 5 weeks of it being placed at an absolute maximum. You will receive an email confirmation from our team when we ship your order. Sales will tentatively cease on Sunday 6 January 2019 at 11:59PM GMT.
Back to you in the studio, RC…

Thanks, Austin. Well if that isn’t exciting, I don’t know what is! Maybe… a sneak preview of all the work our creative team have been doing for the last four months?!
And if you’re not the kind of person who likes flavour, but are instead all about “dat crunch” well we have the new rules document dropping on Monday plus, in case you’d forgotten in all the hullaballo, on the 16th of November we’ll be coming at you with floor rules, tournament regulations, MWLs, the full card list of System Core 2019, some rotation details AND announcing a jinteki.net eternal tournament!
Now, I’m off to build a ridiculous NBN deck with Astro, Sansan, Calitesting, Arella, Breaking News, Jeeves and TeamSpo* – see you again tomorrow! Until then… get some sleep. Maintaining this level of hype isn’t good for you 😉