
Revamp of the Eternal format (21.11) released

After several rounds of testing and a tournament, the revamp of the Eternal format is complete. There were some final changes from the last iteration. Huge thanks to everyone involved in this endeavor!

The new Eternal format uses a points list, with cards being assigned a point value between 0 and 3 points. In deckbuilding, you have a total of 7 points to spend on your deck. The points cost listed buys you up to a full playset of that card.

While the goal of this format is to have as many cards as possible legal for play, four cards still needed a ban: the two community cards from Magnum Opus (Watch the World Burn and Hired Help), Salvaged Vanadis Armory, and Accelerated Diagnostics. The former two have never been part of the Standard card pool due to their never having received any playtesting, and will likewise not be legal in Eternal. The other two cards were used in very uninteractive combo decks that were capable of winning extremely quickly. Keeping them unbanned would have made it necessary to put a lot of cards on the points simply to weaken those particular archetypes. We therefore decided to ban the enabling cards in order to keep the list relatively slim while permitting a variety of possible archetypes.

So without any further ado, here is the final list:

Eternal Points List 21.11

Effective Date: 12 November, 2021


7 points to spend (for up to a full playset of each)


  • Salvaged Vanadis Armory
  • Watch the World Burn

3 Points

  • Account Siphon
  • Hyperdriver
  • Rumor Mill
  • Temüjin Contract

2 Points

  • Blackmail
  • Clan Vengeance
  • Crowdfunding
  • Data Leak Reversal
  • DDoS
  • Employee Strike
  • False Echo
  • Mars for Martians
  • Şifr
  • Tech Trader

1 Point

  • Aaron Marrón
  • Aumakua
  • Bloo Moose
  • Counter Surveillance
  • Déjà Vu
  • Film Critic
  • Hacktivist Meeting
  • Snitch
  • Zer0


7 points to spend (for up to a full playset of each)


  • Accelerated Diagnostics
  • Hired Help

3 Points

  • Estelle Moon
  • Jinteki: Potential Unleashed
  • Mumbad City Hall

2 Points

  • Bio-Ethics Association
  • Cerebral Imaging: Infinite Frontiers
  • Friends in High Places
  • Industrial Genomics: Growing Solutions
  • Jackson Howard
  • Mti Mwekundu: Life Improved
  • Scarcity of Resources
  • Sensie Actors Union

1 Point

  • 24/7 News Cycle
  • Anoetic Void
  • Breaking News
  • Breached Dome
  • Caprice Nisei
  • Kakugo
  • Museum of History
  • Shock!
  • Spin Doctor
  • Sting!
  • Obokata Protocol
  • Project Vacheron
  • Violet Level Clearance
  • Whampoa Reclamation


  • Oguz Han "lostgeek" Asnaz

    Oguz Han is a member of Null Signal Games' Standard Balance Team for Netrunner. He is a tournament organizer in Kiel, Germany and prominently featured on Paule's Café.