
Recruitment Update: Two New Executive Appointments

We’re very pleased to announce that the two executive posts from our recent recruitment drive have now been filled. 

Ed Fortune will be replacing Serenity Westfield, aka Swearyprincess, as the new Vice President of Engagement. Ed has been a member of our Marketing team as well as coordinating the volunteer staff at the recent World Championship in Barcelona and co-hosting the Null Signal Station podcast. Within the broader community, you’ll know him as an admin on the Green Level Clearance Discord.

The new role of Vice President of Staff Support (which will be incorporating the responsibilities of the Department of People as well as other areas) will be taken up by Eridian Winter, whom you may know as Paillu on Green Level Clearance and other online spaces. Eridian has been the head of our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion team, and, outside Null Signal Games, ey are a founding member of the QTM testing group.

An announcement of this type would customarily be accompanied by a few interview questions for the new appointees to help everyone get to know them better. However, as one of them hosts our podcast, we decided to let them interview each other and let you get to know them through that conversation. Look forward to that episode of Null Signal Station in a few weeks!

We wish both Eridian and Ed every success in their new roles, and would like to thank Serenity for everything she’s done for this organization and for Netrunner throughout the years!

Applicants for other posts are being reviewed and, in some cases, have already been contacted. If you applied for something else, we will likely be contacting you in the next few days. Additionally, the now-vacant posts of people appointed to leadership roles will need to be filled, so please watch this space for a new, smaller recruitment drive coming soon.
