Netrunner players have, over the game’s lifetime, created many alternative ways to play. So, for the month of December, we’re working together with community tournament organizers to highlight some of these different ways to play.
We have an action packed month prepared for anyone looking to jump out of the standard box and into the chaos!

Every new format comes with a bunch of new rules, so included below are some short introductions to each:

Sunday December 1st
2am PST (UTC-8) / 10am GMT (UTC+0) / 6pm AWST (UTC+8)
Tournament Organizer: Council
Free Entry
Eclipse is a format that opens the gates to a unique blend of early FFG sets and the latest NSG sets, and uses a ban list as well as a restricted list to keep the gameplay grounded in prudent resource management, tactical bluffing and strategic thought. Details on which sets are legal and how the restricted list works can be found here.
More details available on AlwaysBeRunning.

Saturday December 7th
9am PST (UTC-8) / 5pm GMT (UTC+0) / 1am (Sun) AWST (UTC+8)
Tournament Organizer: ManintheMoon
$10 Entry (with prizes) or Free Entry (no prizes)
In chimera, each player uses to generate random singleton decklists featuring cards from the entire history of the game (including terminal directive campaign cards!). Come along and play a format where neither player knows what’s in your decklist.
More details available on AlwaysBeRunning.

Sunday December 8th
9pm (Sat) PST (UTC-8) / 5am GMT (UTC+0) / 1pm AWST (UTC+8)
Tournament Organizer: Kyra
Free Entry
Do you sometimes wonder why cards are on the ban list? Did you miss the chance to play around with the strong cards and think “Surely, they can’t be that bad!” … Come along to what will inevitably prove to be the most broken of formats ever while we bid a final farewell to the broken cards that were ripped from our grasp, perhaps too soon.
Banned cards from FFG sets and System Update 2021 (except for currents) are legal for this format, so go wild!
More details available on AlwaysBeRunning.

Saturday December 14th
7am PST (UTC-8) / 3pm GMT (UTC+0) / 11pm AWST (UTC+8)
Tournament Organizer: Toron
$10 Entry (with prizes) or Free Entry (no prizes)
The official non-rotating format. Eternal encompasses nearly the entirety of the printed card pool and only grows larger with time. With only a small number of cards banned, and a number of other cards assigned to a Points List, decks are high powered and games can end with little to no warning. The Eternal Points List as well as details on how it works can be found on our Supported Formats page.
More details available on AlwaysBeRunning.
Random Access Memories

Sunday December 15th
9am PST (UTC-8) / 5pm GMT (UTC+0) / 1am (Mon) AWST (UTC+8)
Tournament Organizer: coldlava
Free Entry
Random Access Memories is a special format with a randomly determined card pool. The legal sets are generated at the start of the tournament, and those drawn become the legal RAM card pool. Players are provided a short period of time (~2 hours) to build decks within that pool before a short tournament.
More details available on AlwaysBeRunning.

Saturday December 21st
2am PST (UTC-8) / 10am GMT (UTC+0) / 6pm AWST (UTC+8)
Tournament Organizer: llblumire
Free Entry
Take your pick of a historic or hypothetical Startup format and pit it against the others. Using the current standard ban list, build a deck using cards from System Gateway, System Update 2021, and your choice of one full cycle and one set released by NSG.
More details available on AlwaysBeRunning.
Time Traveller

Sunday December 29th
2am PST (UTC-8) / 10am GMT (UTC+0) / 6pm AWST (UTC+8)
Tournament Organizer: aksu
Free Entry
Take a step back in time to prove once and for all that 20XX was the greatest year of netrunner. Pick any* point in time and build your decks with standard legality for that moment.
*Some limitations will apply
More details available on AlwaysBeRunning.
Streaming & Commentary
These events will be streamed on the Null Signal Games Twitch and YouTube channels! We are looking for commentators for all of these events, so if you are interested and available to commentate some or all of an event please contact!