
Welcome to the new NISEI.net

Let’s rez a new asset, huh?

After years spent on our old website, and thanks to the tireless work of our Web Development team, we’re happy to welcome you today to the brand new NISEI website. Our new HQ brings with it greatly improved functionality, both behind the scenes and when viewing the site as a reader, and we’re very excited to have a new, fresh face.

We encourage you to explore the site on your own to get a feel for what’s new. But if you’re in a rush, or you prefer a written changelog, here are some of the changes you’ll find:

  • Organization with categories and tags. Our blog posts and news articles are now organized using both categories (broad thematic sections) and tags (granular descriptions of article content). When you finish reading an article, you can click on these categories or tags to easily find related posts!
  • A search bar. Can’t quite remember where you read about the upcoming World Championships? The brand new search function has your back.
  • Pages for players and organizers. The new Players and Organizers pages give easy access to useful resources.
  • Restructured product pages. Set pages have been cleaned up and new information has been added to them, including fast facts, set symbols, and set-specific FAQs. We’ve started this with the System Gateway and System Update 2021 pages and intend to roll it out to others in the near future.
  • Built-in NISEI glyphs. Because why bother with “5 credits” when we can say “5credit“?
  • Revamped FAQ page. The Frequently Asked Questions page is now much easier to navigate, and its content has been revised and updated.
  • An up-to-date listing of open NISEI positions. We’ll post news updates when a new position opens, but you can now check for open positions just by visiting the Join NISEI link!
  • Major Changes log. Been away from the game for a while? Noticed that NISEI cards read a little differently than you remember? The new Major Changes page will get you up to speed quickly by summarizing the big changes to rules and templating since you left.

You might notice some rough edges here and there at first. Please be patient with us as we settle in! We plan to continue to expand the site’s functionality as time goes on: adding links to more resources, fleshing out more tags and categories, and of course, publishing much more are just a few of the improvements on our radar. The behind-the-scenes changes mean it is much easier for us to publish articles and for you to find them, so you can look forward to a much more regular stream of NISEI content.

Got feedback? Ideas about what would be helpful here? Spotted a bug? Please feel free to tweet at us, comment on our Facebook, or send us an email.

We’re so happy to finally share this new website with you. Welcome to the new NISEI.net.


  • Spencer Dub

    Spencer hangs out on Null Signal's Narrative and Visual teams. He lives in Oregon, USA with his wife, cat, and daughter, only one of whom he's successfully introduced to the game so far.