
Netrunner at Tabletop Scotland 2023

For the first time Null Signal Games will be represented at Tabletop Scotland, Scotland’s largest tabletop games convention, which takes place at the Dewars Centre in Perth on 26-27 August

Volunteers from the Scottish community will be running a booth at M33, located in Strathmore Hall.

Floorplan of Tabletop Scotland with Null Signal Games booth M33 marked
Floorplan of Tabletop Scotland with Null Signal Games booth marked. Click image for full size map.

At the booth, our volunteers will be demonstrating Netrunner and running tutorial games for Tabletop Scotland attendees who want to know more about the game. We are unfortunately not able to confirm if we will also have product for sale at this time, but if that changes we will update this article to reflect it.


We are looking for volunteers for both Saturday and Sunday for any amount of time – if you would be interested in offering some time to help run the stand or tutor some games, get in touch with Ronan (@roro on the Stimhack Slack or @roromcg on the GLC Discord) or Ed (@cook_ed on GLC or @Ed on Stimhack Slack).
