Hey all,
Aki here with a couple of announcements:
Interest in our August Standard online event has been relatively low, maybe because it’s near the end of summer and adjacent to the Labor Day holiday in the US.
That, coupled with the announcement of the Worlds booster pack and updated MWL, has led us to postpone the event by several weeks so it can be played in the Worlds meta with the prerelease cards and the yet-to-be published MWL 3.4.
The new dates for the Swiss rounds will be Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th of September, with the cut taking place on the following Sunday (22nd of September).
The prizes and times of day remain unchanged, but here’s a recap:
Swiss A: 14th of September 1pm UTC +1 (BST)
Swiss B: 15th of September 1pm UTC -5 (CST)
Cut: 22nd of September 5pm UTC +1 (BST)
To check timezones in your area, we recommend using https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/.
The prizes for this event are from the Q3 GNK kit and are as follows:
Overall Final Placement:
1st: DreamNet Playmat, 1x 419, 1x Jinteki: RP, 3x Nisei MK II
2nd – 4th (each): 1x 419, 1x Jinteki: RP, 3x Nisei MK II
5th – 6th (each):1x 419 or 1x Jinteki: RP (player’s choice), and 3x Nisei MK II
7th – 8th (each): 3x Nisei MK II

Each day of Swiss will also feature a raffle draw for 3x IP Block. To be entered in the raffle, you simply have to finish playing all rounds of Swiss for a given day.
To sign up, please fill out this form. If you have already signed up for the event with its earlier dates, fear not, you will automatically be signed up for the new event on the same day of the week. If you can no longer make the new day, we’re extremely sorry – please understand that this decision was not made lightly, but we believe the event being played in the Worlds meta will be more appealing and exciting overall. You don’t need to let us know if you can’t make the new dates, but if you do have time, we would of course appreciate you telling us.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me on Slack (@An Ordinary Hacker Girl).
But Wait There’s More
The 2019 Eternal championships will take place on Jinteki.net in late November/early December. Will we crown a new Eternal champion or will Lostgeek retain his title? The prize for winning our yearly Eternal championship is for you to work with our Development team to design a card of your own. Look out for this tournament’s announcement shortly after the World Championship in October.
– Aki