
NISEI European Championship 2019

Hello, Runners and Corps!

Time for a short break in our Scoop Season Extravaganza and news that should make quite a few of you happy and possibly excited. Yes, we are trying to raise the temperature outside of the Scoop Chamber as well ;-).

We would like to officially announce the NISEI European Championship 2019 event, taking place on the 31st of May (Day 1) and 1st of June (Day 2) at the UK Games Expo in Birmingham, United Kingdom.

The event will consist of two days, with the first day’s top players qualifying for Day 2.

The prize support for the main event will include (but not be limited to, we also want to keep some surprises handy ;-)):

  • Previously released alternative art cards and playmats
  • Previously unreleased alternative art cards and playmats, limited to this event
  • Working with the Creative and Design Teams at NISEI on your own card (for the winner of the event)

Frequently Asked Questions

0. Why did I learn about this event from someone else before your official announcement?

UK Games Expo posted the listing for the event (and the option to purchase tickets for it) before we could put together and publish this official announcement.

Vesper spoiled it through his Organized Play newsletter, so some people learned about it a bit faster.

1. Why is the event taking place in Birmingham?

We have spent a considerable amount of time investigating different options around Europe and in the interest of time decided to apply for a location and time corresponding to last year’s European Championship of Netrunner.

2. How do I get to the event?

The UKGE website offers good tips on how to get to the venue from within UK.

If you are travelling from outside of UK, please consult your preferred providers of transportation for timetables and pricing.

3. What about Brexit?

Before you book any travel and accommodation arrangements, please consult this official UK government site that offers answers or resources to investigate for you, depending on the country you are travelling from to the event.

We generally recommend bringing a valid and up-to-date passport with you, regardless of which country you are travelling from to the event.

4. How do I book event tickets and ensure my participation?

The UKGE tickets are required to enter the NISEI event. You can purchase UKGE tickets from Game Expo’s website.

The NISEI event requires additional event tickets. The NISEI event tickets should be acquired directly from Game Expo’s website.

The ticket for “Day 1” is also valid for attending “Day 2” – either as a participant (if you qualify) or a spectator/guest – if you want to come over and support your friends in the top cut or participate in any side events that may take place.

There is no need to register anywhere else or to purchase any additional tickets.

5. What should I bring with me on my trip and/or to the event?

In no particular order:

  • The email address that you used to register for the event (for registration purposes)
  • Decklists listing the cards you will be playing for both sides during the main event (for registration purposes)
  • Cards legal for tournament play, as outlined in NISEI’s OP Policies (please remember that official proxies are legal)
  • A document that proves your name and age (we won’t be checking this at the event, but you may be asked for proof of age outside of the venue, especially when trying to score an alcoholic beverage)
  • …as well as the usual things like: local currency (GBP) and/or a banking card that works in the UK.; at least one change of clothes and any medication you may require for travelling; snacks and liquids – the event offers food and drink, but you may have dietary restrictions that the event venues may not be able to meet; as much good energy and positive attitude as you can. The organizers will be very grateful to everyone for that! (yes, we’re trying to be a Good Parentâ„¢ here)

5. What will be the format and card restrictions for the main event?

The main event will use the Standard format and the latest MWL. The Judges will be ensuring that all games adhere to the latest Rules document.

6. Can I be a Judge at the event or help in any other way?

If you want to join the Event Organization Team for Euros 2019 in any capacity, please contact us at projectnisei+euros2019@gmail.com. Please remember that being a Judge or a Tournament Organizer at this level of play restricts your participation in the main event.

7. Will there be any side event(s)?

Day 2 side event(s) will be announced at a later stage. If you want to help us organize a side event, please contact us at projectnisei+euros2019@gmail.com.

8. Will there be a live stream from the event?

We are currently working on the details for setting up a live stream for Euros 2019. If you want to help us stream this event, please contact us at projectnisei+euros2019@gmail.com.

9. I have more questions! Where can I ask them?

In the Comments under this article, in our Stimhack questions thread or via email (projectnisei+euros2019@gmail.com).

That’s it for now – we will provide more updates and details as we have them. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we are working on our first big community event in Europe. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Birmigham!


  • Vesper

    Vesper wrote articles, conducted interviews, recorded streams, manipulated graphics, translated cards and rules, fought customs, sent out a ton of prize support around Europe, and did a few other things to keep the game you're reading about going and the community enjoying it happy. He hopes one day he can do something similarly fun - involving you!