Hey there, Runners!
Vesper here, wearing my Organised Play hat for the last time, to update you about our current plans for this year’s European Championship. We have been chatting with the core team behind Berlin Brettspiel Con about joining their dynamically growing celebration of gaming this year for our prime competitive European event.
The location is great and should be very accessible, the city name starts with B, and you will be able to enjoy a great gaming event outside of “just” competing for the Champion title – it all checks out.
As all Tournament Organizers know, getting any larger event off the ground is a daunting task, and the same applies to gaming conventions that grow exponentially. As the organisers of Berlin Brettspiel Con are still working on finalising this year’s (also expanding) exhibitor list, we all agreed to sit down together around the 10th of February to discuss the important details and after that start officially announcing them. Thank you for your patience while the hype is slowly melting the last chunks of ice away (yup, I went there). We really do hope to see you all at Berlin Brettspiel Con in July!
In the meantime (and thinking a bit ahead), we invite all European TOs to help us scout for potential locations for future European Championships. What we want to ensure for any competitive continental-grade event (and this includes Euros):
- A nearby international airport with connections to other major cities of the continent
- Decent food and entertainment options outside of our event
- Affordable options for a weekend stay
- A venue that’s gamer-friendly and universally accessible to anyone interested in attending the event
- Decent tech support for tournament announcements and time displays
- An option to run a 3 day event from Friday to Sunday
If you know a suitable event or location in your area that fulfills these requirements and would be a good match for 2021, please contact us at op@nullsignal.games.
Time for me to finally leave the Organised Play Teamsters to do what they do best – organising amazing events! We will give you all the solid details the moment we have them, and until then…