So here we are… the last day of Scoopsmas. Spoiler Season is now done, and we find ourselves in that weird period between Scoopsmas and New Meta Day where nobody is 100% sure what day it is and you’ve eaten so much cheese. Or is that just me?
Anyway, moving swiftly on – following on from Monday’s complete Runner collection, here are the Corp cards for Downfall! (heads up: the layout has gone a bit weird, I’m fixing it! :D)
Boom, and we’re done! You’ve now seen all of Ashes; 65 brand new cards for you to slot in your existing decks, or maybe brew up something completely different… I can’t wait to see what y’all do with them. As was the case on Monday, these will be up on NRDB pretty quickly.
So what’s next? Friday we’re lining up to have a design article from CritHitd20, and then on Monday these cards go on sale! I’ve already seen several local groups get together to plan bulk orders to save on shipping without even knowing any details about it – now that’s what I call dedication. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. It’s like some of you are as hyped about this as I am.
I’m now gonna go and create some ridiculous Jinteki contraption, until next time…