
Community Roundup 6 April 2022

Step right up for the latest community-created Netrunner content and happenings!

  • An important NISEI reminder before we get on to community content: Circuit Opener kits are still on sale until Sunday, April 10! OP needs to order product and get it shipped to distributors, so if you want to host some tournaments for your local scene, head over to the announcement article to order the kit and don’t miss the deadline!
  • One of the most important community spaces, Jinteki.net, now has a moderation team! Here’s the announcement:
    • Hi everyone! I’d like to introduce the Mod Team for jinteki.net which is made up of @aunthemod @thebigunit3000 @DoomRat @guiot @NtscapeNavigator and myself @Sokka234. We will be working closely with jinteki.net developers and other community members (including all of you!) to ensure jinteki.net is the safe, welcoming, and Netrunner-enabling space it is meant to be. We are currently in the process of developing a Terms of Use, which will address areas such as the purpose of jinteki.net, what constitutes inappropriate use, privacy expectations, and policies regarding intervention. To contact us for any reason, anyone in the GLC discord can tag us as a group @Jnet Moderator or can DM us individually on any platform. In the future, reporting will be a function directly on jinteki.net but for now, using @Jnet Moderator would be the most appropriate way of reporting inappropriate conduct. In addition to raising concerns regarding moderation, we also welcome any and all community suggestions/feedback at any point. With that said, if you have a moment and would like to contribute to the development of Jinteki.net’s Terms of Use and/or provide any other input please fill in this form by April 10th: https://forms.gle/HD1qsK5E4uWrXiQN8 We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work to develop and implement changes that maximize everyone’s enjoyment of online play. As always, Always be running.
  • Last Friday, April 1st, rogue Bioroid cyber-terrorist BassCh1r1B0nk3r has perpetrated an act of vandalism on Jinteki.net! You can read him taking responsibility for this malicious act here, and see the horrifying images here (CW: gratuitous and incongruous head coverings). In the wake of this senseless act, we are all left wondering one thing: who ordered him to wear that hat?
  • On that same day, NetrunnerDB was subjected to a hostile takeover by the sinister Roseville Consortium, who forcibly uploaded their Draft sets to the site! If you were not aware of this shadowy organization, you can hear all about them in this hard-hitting audio documentary by the investigative team of the Slumscast. The two most senior board members of Roseville have since emerged from the shadows to announce their future plans for world domination!
  • The Shadow Net are back after a brief hiatus with a new episode, in which Eric addresses Mr. Karl with the appropriate respect!
  • Here’s Netrunner-themed Wordle clone called Netrunle by Okonomichiyaki!
  • Fiction! We have a new short story by Chouxflower, and another by Veronica in the #lore channel of GLC.
  • In-person events have gradually started happening again, and last weekend nearly 40 runners from multiple countries converged on Barcelona for B-COM! A great time was had by all, and Elwin aka Jakuza took first place in the main tournament! You’ll find some photos of the event provided by Mar aka pspacekitten below.

That’s all for this installment! Remember, you can always drop a message to any of our social media accounts to submit something for the next roundup!
