
Community Roundup 27 January 2022

Here’s a brief recap of the latest happenings and content in the Netrunner community!

  • Sokka has been streaming regularly as promised, with his latest video being about a fun combo deck that I will no doubt also attempt and fail miserably at piloting!
  • Chouxflower has revived her Netrunner fan fiction blog recently, and has been putting up a new post every week. Go check it out!
  • Optimal Play are back to streaming Netrunner after a gap of a few months! This VOD should be up until Sunday, after which their YouTube channel might be the place to look.
  • The Slumscast are back with Slumscast: The Movie, a three-and-a-half hour documentary on The Roseville Cycle and the draft they ran with it at the Off The Grid Championship last September. It’s a funny and moving tribute to the game and its community that truly makes me wish I was there.
  • The fourth Random Access Memories tournament is taking place this Saturday, 29, January, with the card pool draw at 15:00 UTC and the game’s starting two hours later. If you’re not playing, tune into our Twitch channel, where Vesper will be covering the event.

As always, if you’d like something to be included in the next roundup, drop us a line through our Facebook or Twitter accounts!
