
24.09 Organized Play Policies Update

The 2024 World Championship is right around the corner – we hope everyone attending is excited! If you’re still on the fence, tickets are still available and can be purchased here. In what is becoming an Organized Play tradition, we’ve taken the imminence of Worlds as an opportunity to look critically at the Organized Play Policies and identify things that we think can be improved.

The first thing you’ll notice is the slick new format! Huge thanks to Kror for improving the look of the document – it now prints out very nicely as a booklet.

We’ve also added a change log at the front, so if you’re familiar with older versions of the document you should be able to get to the changes quickly.

Here are the major changes we implemented for this update:

  • Made some updates to the Alt Art Guidelines. This includes rules for card framing, color profiles, translations and deceptive arts.
  • Modified the guidance on slow play to be more actionable for TO’s and players, including what we think are reasonable time recommendations.
  • Updated the decklist requirements to ensure that players can get the information in a consistent way. We now recommend that players use printed decklists for all events. NRDB’s default decklist format is the recommended one, but you can also get computer fillable ones from our resources section.
  • Clarified how judges should handle giving out multiple warnings in the same situation.

We will be exploring some other guidance updates in the future, including additional tiers of rules enforcement that better match next year’s Organized Play Structure, and some additional guidance on Code of Conduct violations. We don’t have a fixed timeline on that just yet – look out for future updates after Worlds.

If you have any questions, comments, or things you think we should cover in the next update, please reach out to us at op@nullsignal.games
