The Organized Play team is excited to announce that applications for both the 2025 District Championships and the 2025 Megacity championships are open! Be a part of the new era of Organized Play with Null Signal Games.
Like our Casual Tournament Kits, District and Megacity Championships are run by local organizers, but are considered more prestigious tournaments due to their limited distribution and Competitive tier status.
Through our application form, you can apply to run a District Championship, a Megacity Championship, or both!
District Championship events will be smaller and more numerous. They must be run between January 1st and April 30th 2025. If your event can bring together a group of 10 or more players, and is not likely to be counting the same players as another nearby applicant, you are likely to be approved.
Megacity Championship events are a middle point between District Championships and Continental Championships, and must be run between May 1st and July 31st 2025. These events will be more restricted based on geographical location, attempting to link together communities within 3-4 hours of travel time.
Once applications close on November 22nd, Organized Play will review the submissions and make selections to best serve the playerbase in different areas. Approved District Championship event organizers will be sent an email with instructions, and will be given one week after that to complete their purchase of the prize kit. Approved Megacity Championship event organizers will be sent similar instructions at a later date. After all purchases are complete, our supplier will pack and ship the kits, which will take approximately 4-5 weeks from date of purchase.
If a member of NSG applies to run District or Megacity Championships, their applications will be reviewed by senior leadership instead of Organised Play. Anyone within Organized Play or senior leadership will recuse themselves from reviewing applications if they have a personal stake in an event or a specific application.
Prize Structure
Events are expected to follow the Prize Structure outlined below.
Prize Structure (District Championship)
The District Championship kit will cost $65 USD and include 4 playmats, as well as top 8 and top 24 card prizes. These prices include free worldwide shipping.
Prize Structure (Megacity Championship)
The Megacity Championship kit will cost $120 USD and include faction pins, playmats for the top 4 and card prizes for the top 16 and top 48, as well as a non-card prize for the top 8 (TBD). These prices include free worldwide shipping.
Both kinds of kits will also contain six playsets of a previously released alt art. These cards can be used as side-event prizes, door prizes, in raffles, or anything else at the organizer’s discretion.
Each kit contains additional playsets of each of the card rewards, plus additional non-card prizes and playmat for the tournament organizer to keep or distribute as they please.
Tournament organizers may collect an entry fee to cover the cost of the kit (and venue hire, where applicable). Organizers are actively encouraged to supplement the prizes with other prizes sourced from Game Night Kits or artists and creators in the wider Netrunner community. Players should log on to AlwaysBeRunning.net to find details of competitive events in their area.
Event Restrictions
2025 District and Megacity Championships must be run in the Standard Format. No other formats are acceptable for this event kit. Please do not apply for a kit if you are unable to run the event in Standard.
The 2025 District and Megacity Championships are sanctioned Competitive tier events for the purposes of the Organized Play Policies. This means you are expected to follow the given prize structure and tournament structure for Competitive tier events outlined in the policies. You are also expected to advertise your event on AlwaysBeRunning.net.
Purchase of these kits comes with an obligation to run a suitable event. Buying a kit to either keep for yourself or to resell undermines the spirit of these competitions and the legitimacy of the prizes which other players had to enter and place in a tournament to win. Excepting extenuating circumstances, not using your kit to run a tournament may lead to you being barred from purchasing non-GNK kits in the future.
These events must be run during their applicable window (January-April for District, May-July for Megacity) in 2025.
Application Recommendations
When evaluating applications the Organized Play team will be looking at several criteria. We expect every tournament organizer to be coming from different positions, and are not expecting everyone to check every box, but we will be evaluating every application in light of each of these questions.
- Venue Selection – Has a venue already been selected? Is it accessible via different modes of transport? What accommodations does it offer to address the variety of needs of different players?
- Player Base – Are there regular players within an appropriate estimated road travel time (1-2 hours for Districts, 3-4 hours for Megacities)?
- Tournament Organizer Experience – Does the prospective TO have previous experience of facilitating Netrunner events or other similar events?
- Additional Prizing – Is the prospective TO able to offer additional prizing to reward players for traveling to the event? Note that this is not a high priority for us in approving applications, but it is something we want to keep an eye on.
- Additional Events – In the case of Megacity Championships, is the prospective TO planning to run additional side events? Note that this is not a firm requirement for every Megacity Championship.
Apply now to be part of the wonderful world of Netrunner Organized Play in 2025!