Store Championship season is upon us! This year, due to current events (didn’t we ban those?), things will work slightly differently. Store Championship kits will be printed on demand, for $30 + shipping.
We expect many organizers are holding onto their 2020 kits for when they can again use them face-to-face, and those kits are still good to use. However, with the rise of online events during the pandemic and the community’s steadfast engagement of the game, along with the release of System Gateway, we decided the prize pool should have a refresh—and not just the Scoops Month tradition of bashing F5 over and over again. As such, both these kits and last year’s have no deadline on when they can be used. This may change in the future, as the global situation eases, but we will give plenty of notice when it does.
Without any further ado, the kits:

Available to buy from MakePlayingCards and DriveThruCards later this month:
Store Championships are sanctioned events. This means anyone running an event with these kits should register the event on, as well as following a strict structure for prizes and the event must be run in Standard format, with the casual round structure that can be found in the Organised Play Policies here. Tournament Organisers are allowed and actively encouraged to supplement the prizes with other prizes sourced from GNKs or the amazing stuff made by the community, as well as run side events for other formats should as start up, only the main event has to be Standard. Players should log on to to find events, as well as claim their finishes on events they played in.
Tournament Organisers can use either one kit to run a Basic Store Championship event, or use two kits to run an Upgraded Store Championship event with a deeper prize pool. The prize structure skeleton the kits should follow is below:
Basic Prize Structure:
- Winner: Invitation to a future invite-only event. (Only valid for events with 8 players or more.)*
- Top 4: 3× Consulting Visit (Nedliv Audiovisuell)
- Top 8: 3× Falsified Credentials (Benjamin Giletti)
- Top 16: 3× Peace in our Time (Olie Boldador)
Upgraded Prize Structure:
- Winner: Invitation to a future invite-only event. (Only valid for events with 8 players or more.)*
- Top 8: 3x Consulting Visit (Nedliv Audiovisuell)
- Top 16: 3x Falsified Credentials (Benjamin Giletti)
- Top 32: 3x Peace in our Time (Olie Boldador)
*Players need to claim their first place finish for the invite to be extended.
Each kit also contains bonus cards: an extra three copies each of Consulting Visit, Falsified Credentials and Peace in Our Time meant for the TO to keep. However, Tournament Organisers can add these bonus cards back to the prize pool if they wish (as 5th, 9th and 17th place prizes respectively in the case of a Basic event).

These kits also contain six copies of Dirty Laundry. Originally a Worlds 2019 promo, all sanctioned kits from now on will include six copies of a rebooted promo card—a promo that was originally offered over a year ago, to be used as either a door prize or side event prize during the day.
You will also notice the lack of playmats in this kit. This is due to our policy of no face-to-face events, which is still in effect; we have taken the decision to halt all print-on-demand playmat services until we feel comfortable lifting that policy. We also expect Tournament Organisers to follow our guidelines and run events online when possible.
For Tournament Organisers who need help running an event on, we have a dedicated Discord server where veteran TOs and NISEI staff will be happy to help you.
Below are some graphics to help you advertise your event on social media. Feel free to use them, gather your friends, earn your credentials and always be running in this year’s Store Championships.