
An Update to the Recent Player Ban

Fellow Runners, 

Last month, a member of our community was banned from taking part in any NSG-sanctioned events.

Kai Juttner (aka Late, elapfelstrud) was previously issued with a one-year ban from Null Signal Games-sanctioned events. Following repeated and targeted harassment and threats towards NSG staff members, we have taken the decision to extend this to a permanent ban. This decision was not taken lightly; threats were made towards members of NSG, and we must put the safety of our volunteers and community first. 

As per our Code of Conduct, this ban covers the following: 

  • Participating as a player in NSG-sanctioned events.
  • Participating in online NSG-sanctioned events.
  • Participating in side events taking place during NSG-sanctioned events.
  • Entering venues where NSG-sanctioned events are being held, whether as audience or other capacity.  

Community moderators and tournament organizers have been made aware of this decision.

Behavior in online spaces is as impactful on others as behavior in face-to-face interactions. We will not tolerate harassment of our team or community members.  We encourage anyone that experiences abusive behavior to report it to moderators, Tournament Organizers, or other community stewards, so we can together keep making Netrunner a safe space for everyone.

This message has been written with the full support of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team in collaboration with the Organised Play Team.

Safe runs to all!
