
Announcing Two Upcoming Eternal Tournaments

Hello players!

We’re excited to announce that Null Signal Games are running two Eternal format events in the lead up to the 2023 World Championship. This is in part to help the players prepare for this year’s Crown of Servers event at Worlds – a multi-format Startup, Standard and Eternal team tournament hosted by BᐧCOM.

Whether you’re a long-time eternal fan, curious about playing with some classic old cards, or just draw the ‘short’ straw on your team, you’ll be able to dip your toes into the format at these events and get prepared for your arrival in Barcelona.

The first event will be on Saturday August 26th, with registration starting at 0900 UTC and play starting at 0930 UTC.

The second event will be on Sunday September 10th, with registration starting at 1700 UTC and play starting at 1730 UTC.

Both events will be run in the Null Signal Events Discord and played on jinteki.net. Based on last year’s attendance, we anticipate that the events will last for 3-4 rounds.

In the meantime, you can learn more about the Eternal format here. We look forward to some high-powered Netrunner gameplay at these Eternal events!
