
Recruiting Trip

Hi Runners!

It’s been just over a year since the first NISEI recruitment drive, and we have some positions available—some are replacements for people who have moved on, some completely new! As a reminder, NISEI is a 100% volunteer-based organization—none of us draw any money from the organization, but you can expect all sorts of perks like free scoops and the satisfaction of keeping the best game in the world alive! Deadlines for applications close on the 1st of December, 2019.

Click the links here to jump to a specific role, or just scroll down to browse the openings!

Lead Designer

NISEI’s lead designer, Greg Tongue, has decided to step down from his position on the Board for personal reasons, so we are looking for someone to take the reigns of designing NISEI Netrunner. This candidate should have a deeply rooted game design sense, and an ambitious product vision.  Responsibilities include:

  • Managing the design team, including being the primary stakeholder in communications between design and other teams within the organization, and mentoring designers on solid game design principles
  • Leading product design for new sets by working with the creative director to create compelling narrative gameplay experiences.
  • Coordinating with the development and rules teams after a set is design complete to ensure that individual designs function as intended.
  • Producing designs for cards as necessary to help to build the structure for a set, and to fill in gaps in a set as they arise.
  • Acting as a member of the Board of NISEI, including helping us to debate the benefits and drawbacks of different business and organizational decisions, and helping NISEI to grow and support its members and community.

As the lead designer, you need to be able to understand all of the different types of Netrunner players in our community. You must be able to empathize with the plethora of motivations that drive our players, and drive the design of a single product that facilitates as many of those motivations as possible.  If you can make Netrunner for not only those who play it now, but also anyone who could enjoy Netrunner but doesn’t yet, please click here to apply.


We need an individual to help us manage our finances, and ensure that our budget is balanced between all of the different pillars that we as an organization support.  Duties include:

  • Being the gatekeeper and keymaster of our various accounts.
  • Participating in budget planning meetings, with a particular eye for balancing expenditure against future income.
  • Fulfilling reimbursements for each of our teams.
  • Helping our production pipeline coordinator set prices for our offerings that allow us to continue to operate while still allowing players to participate in our ecosystem as cheaply as possible.

To apply, please click here

Creative Positions: Art Coordinator & Graphics Coordinator

The NISEI creative team is full of talented individuals that are passionate about the lore and aesthetics of the game. Being on the creative team means getting to see your work every time a card is played on the table, and your projects will often be the first thing to draw in potential new players.  With the wonderful Patrick Burk stepping down, we are seeking to fill two new roles to help lead the creative team. Any questions can be emailed to info@nullsignal.games or messaged to @BreakOneBarrier on Twitter

Art Coordinator

Duties include:

  • Finding and commissioning artists. This includes cultivating and maintaining a strong, positive relationship with the artists we work with. 
  • Brainstorming theme ideas with the writing team to keep cards exciting and interesting.
  • Writing detailed art briefs both for external and internal artists.
  • Managing non-commissioned art and allocating it appropriately. 

An ideal Art Coordinator will have:

  • Excellent communication skills. 
  • A detail-oriented mindset. Art proofs require extremely detailed descriptions that must be thorough to get the exact product we are hoping for.
  • Project management experience, including managing a small team of direct reports. This also includes maintaining a Trello board.
  • Advanced knowledge of the Android universe.
  • A basic understanding of Photoshop (or similar graphics program) and general art concepts (composition, color, etc.).

To apply, click here.

Graphics Coordinator 

Duties include: 

  • Managing graphics projects, including the creation of new glyphs and layouts.
  • Assuring the styling of each card is consistent. 
  • Directing their team to create designs that are both clear and engaging.
  • Providing both technical and creative support to their team.
  • Reviewing drafts of final card layouts before they are released for general Nisei proofing.

An ideal Graphics Coordinator will have:

  • A strong concept of effective graphic design for tabletop games, including ideas to accomodate for those with physical limitations (such as poor eyesight.)
  • Experience with graphical design software – primarily Illustrator, as well as Photoshop and InDesign.
  • A sharp eye for small details.
  • A lot of creativity.
  • Project management experience, including managing a small team of direct reports. This also includes maintaining a Trello board. 

To apply, click here.

Media Pipeline Coordinator

The Community Team are looking for someone to own the article production process, from concept to publication. Duties include:

  • Maintaining the Pipeline Trello
  • Helping writers, both internal and external, to have ideas reach fruition
  • Working with the editors to make a formal style guide
  • Monitor Community feedback around information shortfalls, and seek writers for articles/pages to fill gaps

To apply, please complete this form

Organized Play Coordinator – Europe

You must live inside the EU (non-UK) to be considered for this position.

Our beloved European OP Coordinator, Vesper, is transitioning to another role within NISEI and as such we are looking for someone to fill his shoes! This position is critical to NISEI Organized Play and an OP Coordinator would be responsible for the following:

  • Occasionally placing orders for and receiving shipments of playmats, prize support cards, etc.
  • Assembling, packaging, and shipping small to moderate quantities of prize kits a few times a year – Regional Championship kits, National Championship kits, etc.
  • Organizing or assisting community members with organizing a yearly European Championship
  • Assisting and guiding community members interested in organizing NISEI-supported events
  • Following up on NISEI Organized Play email correspondence
  • Being reasonably active in NISEI workspaces (primarily Slack, also Trello)
  • (Optionally) Communicating with the European event organizers through a newsletter or blog posts

All costs incurred will be reimbursed by NISEI or paid up front. To apply, please click here.

MWL Committee Member

We would like to add a number of additional members to our MWL Committee. Responsibilities include:

  • Gathering and analysing real life tournament data to identify potential problems in the game environment (specifically for the Standard and Eternal formats)
  • Proactively suggesting changes that would improve metagame balance, variety, and fun
  • Participating in playtesting and gathering playtester feedback.

While being a top tier competitive player is by no means a requirement for this post, knowledge and engagement with the metagame, especially using competitive decks, is essential. Other requirements include being active on both the NISEI Slack and the playtest Discord during MWL testing periods, and having the communication skills to engage with the community and playtesters in a constructive way. 

We are particularly keen to receive applications from persons with data science and/or statistics skills. To apply, please click here.

Web Developer

NISEI has multiple exciting software and web development projects ongoing and we want to accelerate our progress on these. Desirable skills and experience include:

  • A can-do attitude, enthusiasm for the tools we develop and maintain, and a willingness to share knowledge and learn together within the team
  • A working knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP, Ruby/Rails or WordPress development
  • Knowledge or experience of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design and development
  • Prior experience with internationalization (i18n) of software, or multilingual websites
  • Familiarity with the software development lifecycle, including Agile methodologies and GitHub
  • An understanding of virtualisation, especially any experience with Docker containers
  • Ability to show initiative, work independently when necessary and bring new ideas and approaches into the team

Prior professional experience as a developer is not mandatory, so please don’t be discouraged from applying if you don’t code for a living, enthusiasm and a desire to learn are equally valuable attributes! To apply, please click here.


  • Serenity "SwearyPrincess" Westfield

    Serenity is the VP of Engagement for Null Signal Games, and wishes it was her full time job. Known by some as "Netrunner's Cool Goth Mom", she's a DJ in her spare-spare time and streams under the psuedonym SwearyPrincess!