
Out Now: Organized Play Policies v1.4

We were overdue for an Organized Play Policy update. So here it is! You can access it in the Organizer Resources section of our website.

Obviously, policy changes aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, so I’m going to summarize them quickly for you.

  • Dice are legal again for representing credits in all tournament play. We ask that players are respectful if their opponent asks them to help keep the boardstate clear.
  • Added formal outlines for running Sanctioned Asynchronous events
  • Removal of head-to-head as a tiebreaker (I didn’t believe it was still there!)
  • Moved Amalfi Swiss and Single-Sided Swiss to an Appendix as optional structures for casual-level events

That’s really the whole article. But for those of you who are still reading, I should also introduce myself. I’m Ysengrin, and I started as the Organized Play Online Event Coordinator earlier this year. It’s going to be a bit of a quiet year on that front (though you’ll hear more from me as we get closer to Continentals in August/September), but I’m hoping we can ramp some more online events for later in the year and early next year. If you have ideas of online events or support you need for online events, please feel free to reach out on Discord (Ysengrin#2501) or Stimslack.
